Column: Show X Column
Show X column for Y columns with sampling interval
This feature is updated in 8.0 SR3.
colshowx rng:=[Book1]Sheet1!Col(2) clear:=1;
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
Specify the Y columns to show the sampling intervals.
Specify whether to clear the sampling interval information in the input columns.
This function generates and shows X columns for the selected Y columns, according to the sampling interval information in the Y columns.
You can choose to remove the sampling interval information in the input columns after showing the X columns, by setting the clear varible to 1.
// When a column has an internal X, the colshowx function; // will create a column of the actual X data newbook; wks.ncols=3; col(A) = data(1,30); col(B) = uniform(26); colint rng:=col(B) x0:=600 inc:=10 units:=(nm) lname:=Wavelength; // We can keep the internal X data colshowx rng:=col(B) clear:=0; col(C) = uniform(21); colint rng:=col(C) x0:=0 inc:=5 units:=(%) lname:=Completion; // or clear the internal X data colshowx rng:=col(C) clear:=1;