The settings tree specifies all settings for the wextract X-Function.
Syntax: settings.Treenode:=<value>
The stAlias branch of the settings tree allows you to define aliases for columns. Then you can use these aliases to build the condition for the If test.
Syntax: settings.stAlias.Treenode:= <value>
The stCondition branch of the settings tree specifies the condition for testing whether a row should be extracted and the scripts that will be executed before the select data loop and before the condition is tested.
Syntax: settings.stCondition.Treenode:= <value>
The stMethod branch of the settings tree specifies the output method.
Syntax: settings.stMethod.Treenode:= <value>
The stRowRange branch of the settings tree specifies the row range from which data is extracted.
Syntax: settings.stRowRange.Treenode:= <value>