Origin allows save binary type (TreeNode type in Origin C) or INI type (INIFile type in Origin C) storage into Origin Object. Origin Object can be any Origin C object that it class devided from OriginObject class. For example, WorksheetPage, Column, Folder, GraphPage, GraphLayer, DataPlot, or Project.
OriginObject:: GetStorageNames is used to get all storage names from the object, and OriginObject::GetStorage is used to get the storage from this object by name.
For binary type storage, suggest directly use OriginObject::GetBinaryStorage to get, OriginObject::PutBinaryStorage to set.
void storage_Storage_ex1() { Page pg = Project.Pages(); if(pg == NULL) return; string strStorage = "Test"; string strSection = "Params"; Tree trTemp; storage st; st = pg.GetStorage(strStorage); if(st) { if(st.GetSection(strSection, trTemp)) out_tree(trTemp); } }