Get the operation that is using specified datarange and x-function name as input.
OperationBase& FindOutgoingOperation(DataRange& dr, LPCSTR lpcszXFName);
a valid operation wrapper that represent the internal operation object
//Before run the following code, draw a 2d plot and do interp1xy operation. //Find the operation in the project using the datarange and xfunction name. void OperationManager_FindOutgoingOperation_Ex1() { GraphLayer gl; gl = Project.ActiveLayer(); if(gl) { // Use default constructor to create an uninitialized DataPlot. DataPlot dp; // Now initialize it to be the first DataPlot in the layer: dp = gl.DataPlots(0); XYRange rg; if( dp.GetDataRange(rg) ) { OperationManager opManager; opManager = Project.Operations; LPCSTR lpcszXFName="interp1xy"; OperationBase& opBase = opManager.FindOutgoingOperation(rg, lpcszXFName); if(opBase) out_str(opBase.GetName()); } } }