Sets whether and when the control will fire the DrawCell event.
void SetOwnerDraw( int iOwnerDrawSettings = flexODNone )
m_GridCtrl.SetOwnerDraw(3); /* flexODNone = 0,//The control performs all drawing itself. flexODOver = 1,//The control draws the cell. flexODContent = 2,//The control draws the cell background, Including any pictures, but no text. flexODComplete = 3,//The control draws nothing at all in the cell. flexODOverFixed = 4,//Similar to flexODOver, except only fixed cells are owner-drawn. flexODContentFixed = 5,//Similar to flexODContent, except only fixed cells are owner-drawn. flexODCompleteFixed = 6//Similar to flexODComplete, except only fixed cells are owner-drawn. */