Set the color of the dataplot (line, symbol) by the intensities of red, green, and blue colors.
BOOL SetColorRGB( BYTE byRed, BYTE byGreen, BYTE byBlue, BOOL bRepaint = FALSE )
return true for success; otherwise false.
void DataPlot_SetColorRGB_ex1() { Worksheet wks; wks.Create("origin"); Dataset ds1(wks,0); Dataset ds2(wks,1); ds1.Data(1,20,1); ds2.Normal(20); GraphPage gp; gp.Create("origin"); GraphLayer gl(gp.GetName(), 0); gl.AddPlot(wks); if(gl) { // Get the first data plot in the layer: DataPlot dp = gl.DataPlots(0); // Set the color to green and repaint: dp.SetColorRGB(0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, TRUE); } }