Extract the data of contour lines in the contour plot.
int ExtractContourData(vector& vX, vector& vY, vector<int>& vCounts, vector& vLevels)
- vX
- [output] X values of the extracted contour data.
- vY
- [output] Y values of the extracted contour data.
- vCounts
- [output] the number of the extracted contour data points for each level.
- vLevels
- [output] the value of each level.
If success, return the number of levels, otherwise return 0.
This example shows how to use this method to extract contour lines from a contour plot, and then put the data to a worksheet. Also, the function ocmath_d_polygon_area is used to calculate the area of the extracted contour lines.
// To run this example, import the data "<Origin Installation Directory>\Samples
// \Matrix Conversion and Gridding\3D XYZ.dat" first. Then set column C as Z column
// and highlight it to make a contour graph by selecting menu "Plot: Contour: XYZ Contour".
// Activate this graph.
#include <ocmath.h> // need to include this header file for using ocmath_d_polygon_area
void DataPlot_ExtractContourData_ex1()
GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer(); // get the active graph
out_str("Get no graph!");
DataPlot dp = gl.DataPlots(0); // get the data plot
vector vX, vY, vLevels;
vector<int> vCounts;
int nRet = dp.ExtractContourData(vX, vY, vCounts, vLevels); // extract contour data of the plot
// if success, put contour data to worksheet
WorksheetPage wp; // create workbook
Worksheet wks = wp.Layers(0); // get worksheet
out_str("Get no worksheet!");
// loop all levels
for(int iLevel=0; iLevel<vLevels.GetSize(); iLevel++)
vector vOutputX, vOutputY;
int nSize = vCounts[iLevel];
// get specific level data
if(get_specific_level(iLevel, vX, vY, vCounts, vLevels, vOutputX, vOutputY, nSize))
// calculate area, use fabs function to avoid negative area
double dArea = fabs(ocmath_d_polygon_area(vOutputX, vOutputY, nSize));
// set data to worksheet
set_specific_level_to_worksheet(wks, vOutputX, vOutputY, vLevels, iLevel, dArea);
// get data of specific level from the extracted contour data
// iLevel: int, specific level
// vInputXs, vInputYs: vector, the extracted contour data
// vCounts: vector, nubmer of points in each level
// vLevels: vector, Z values of each level
// vOutputX, vOutputY: vector&, data of the specific level
// nSize: int, number of data in the specific level
bool get_specific_level(int iLevel, vector vInputXs, vector vInputYs, vector vCounts, vector vLevels, vector& vOutputX, vector& vOutputY, int nSize)
if(iLevel>=vLevels.GetSize() || iLevel<0) // invalid level index, return false
out_str("Invalid iLevel!");
return false;
int nBeginIndex = 0; // begin index of the specific level in the extracted contour data
if(iLevel != 0) // set begin index according to the specific level
for(int iCount=0; iCount<iLevel; iCount++)
nBeginIndex = nBeginIndex + vCounts[iCount];
for(int iIndex=0; iIndex<nSize; iIndex++) // get data of the specific level
vOutputX[iIndex] = vInputXs[nBeginIndex+iIndex];
vOutputY[iIndex] = vInputYs[nBeginIndex+iIndex];
return true;
// set the data of specific level to worksheet, including data points, Z values of the levels, and areas
// wks: Worksheet, data will be put to this worksheet
// vX, vY: vector, data points of specific level
// vLevels: vector, Z values of all levels
// iLevel: int, the specific level index
// dArea: double, the area of the specific level
void set_specific_level_to_worksheet(Worksheet wks, vector vX, vector vY, vector vLevels, int iLevel, double dArea)
// add two columns for spcific level data
int nColX = wks.AddCol();
int nColY = wks.AddCol();
bool bLabel = false; // use for checking whether exist Z-Level & Area label
Grid grid; // grid of the worksheet
vector<string> vsLabelNames;
if(grid.GetUserDefinedLabelNames(vsLabelNames)) // get all user-defined label names
for(int iName=0; iName<vsLabelNames.GetSize(); iName++)
// if exist Z-Level or Area label
if(0 == vsLabelNames[iName].CompareNoCase("Z-Level") || 0 == vsLabelNames[iName].CompareNoCase("Area"))
bLabel = true;
if(!bLabel) // not exist Z-Level and Area label, create them
vector<int> vnTypes = {RCLT_UDL, RCLT_UDL+1};
vector<string> vsLabel = {"Z-Level", "Area"};
// set data to created two columns
XYRange xyDr;
xyDr.Add(wks, nColX, "X");
xyDr.Add(wks, nColY, "Y");
xyDr.SetData(&vY, &vX);
Column colX = wks.Columns(nColX); // X column
Column colY = wks.Columns(nColY); // Y column
colX.SetType(OKDATAOBJ_DESIGNATION_X); // set type to X
colX.SetExtendedLabel((string)vLevels[iLevel], RCLT_UDL); // set Z-Level value
colX.SetExtendedLabel((string)dArea, RCLT_UDL+1); // set area
colY.SetExtendedLabel((string)vLevels[iLevel], RCLT_UDL); // set Z-Level value
colY.SetExtendedLabel((string)dArea, RCLT_UDL+1); // set area
See Also
Header to Include