Accessing Radio Button and Edit Box Controls with Origin C

The Radios example demonstrates how to access radio buttons and edit boxes in a Dialog Builder resource. To access the radio buttons in the Set Ticks dialog below the example program uses the Origin C Button class. To access the edit boxes in the Set Ticks dialog below the example program uses the Origin C Edit class. The example dialog is launched by executing the function LaunchRadioButtons in the source file Radio Buttons.cpp found in this zip file, under the \Dialog Builder\Radios subfolder of Origin.

Accessing Radio Button and Edit Box Controls with Origin C image149.gif

To launch the Set Ticks dialog above:

  1. Open the source file Radio Buttons.cpp in Code Builder.
  2. Add Radio Buttons.cpp to the Code Builder workspace by activating it and pressing the CTRL + W keys.
  3. Build Radio Buttons.cpp by clicking the Build button Accessing Radio Button and Edit Box Controls with Origin C image12.gif.
  4. Type LaunchRadioButtons() in the Script Window or LabTalk Console and press the ENTER key.