3.4.4 Marker Graph Object

Version Info

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 8.1 SR0


Before running the following function, new a worksheet, highlight A and B columns and fill columns with row numbers, plot a line with two columns. Keep Graph window active.

void Marker_GraphObject_ex()
   GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();
   if( gl )
       MarkerGraphObject mObj;
       mObj = gl.GraphObjects("Marker");
       if( !mObj )
           mObj = gl.CreateGraphObject(GROBJ_TN_MARKER);
       vector vX = {2, 10};
       vector vY = {2, 10};
       mObj.SetPoints(vX, vY);
       TreeNode trFormat = mObj.GetFormat(FPB_ALL, FOB_ALL, true, true);
       trFormat.Root.Symbol.Shape.nVal = 9; // star
       trFormat.Root.Symbol.Size.nVal = 20;
       trFormat.Root.Symbol.EdgeColor.nVal = 5;
       trFormat.Root.Symbol.FillColor.nVal = 3;
       trFormat.Root.Color.nVal = -4; // to suppress line drawing between the point
       trFormat.Root.States.nVal = GOC_NO_SELECT; // so that it does not respond to mouse clicks
       mObj.ApplyFormat(trFormat, TRUE, TRUE);