1.3.4 OA Mat-SetData


Send a 2D numeric array to an Origin Matrix Object.

Minimum Version Required: Origin 8.5 SR0

Connector Pane

OA Mat-SetData.png

Controls and Indicators

CI ref c.jpg Origin.Matrix is the matrix object which we will send data to.
CI err c.jpg error in(no error) contains error information that occur before this VI or function runs.
Double2DArray1.png Data is a 2D array.
CI num c.jpg nRowOffset uses 0-offset index to start, or 0 for entire matrix.
CI num c.jpg nColOffset uses 0-offset index to start, or 0 for entire matrix.
CI ref i.jpg Origin.Matrix Out is a reference to Origin.Matrix.
CI tf i.jpg If SaveData is TRUE, the data is set successfully, otherwise, set failed
CI err i.jpg error out contains error information.