This command integrates dataset using the trapezoidal rule.
/Tip_icon.png?v=0) | This command is no longer recommended. Please use the integ1 X-Function instead.
integrate [-r basedataset] dataset [range]
The integration results are placed into the following integ object properties:
- integ.area -- Area of the integration.
- integ.y0 -- Maximum height (measured from the baseline if present, otherwise measured from zero).
- integ.x0 -- X value of y0.
- integ.dx -- Full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the peak.
- integ.x1 -- Beginning X.
- integ.x2 -- Ending X.
A dataset named _integ_area is created to hold the integrated area data. The leading underscore indicates that this is a temporary dataset that is deleted when printing or saving (or overwritten if another integration is performed). You can save the contents of this dataset to a permanent dataset of your own naming. However, note that since Origin 7, this dataset is automatically saved to a hidden worksheet following the naming convention Integraln_columnName. To find out more, see the Origin Help file.
no option; Integrate dataset from zero
Syntax: integ dataset [range]
Integrate dataset from zero.
-a; Perform the integration without creating the temporary dataset
Syntax: integ -a dataset [range]
Perform the integration without creating the (temporary) _integ_area dataset.
-q; Integrate dataset from 0 but do not display the temporary shading of the integration area
Syntax: integ -q dataset [range]
Integrate dataset from 0 but do not display the temporary shading of the integration area.
-r; Integrate from the given baseline dataset
Syntax: integ -r baseDataset dataset [range]
Integrate from the given baseline dataset.The Y values are calculated by interpolating the baseline. If the baseline is a spline, the spline interpolation values are used. Otherwise, the interpolation is linear.
The following script integrates the Data2_D dataset from row index 4 to row index 8.
integrate Data2_D -b 4 -e 8;
The next script integrates the Data2_D dataset using Data2_B as a baseline to subtract.
integ -r Data2_B Data2_D;