Options for Other OptionsGet_Options_for_Other_Options
Syntax: get name -gn [variableName]
Get the group LongName which data plot name belongs to. Note that name must be the first data plot of the group.
Get %C -gn Name; // get the group name in which %C is 1st plot
Name$ = ;
Syntax: get name -lvm [variableName]
Get dataset movability with the cursor. 1 = movable, 0 = not movable (default).
Syntax: get name -nhw [variableName]
Get the histogram bin worksheet name.
Syntax: get name -nhwc [variableName]
Create the histogram bin worksheet
Syntax: get name -pfv [variableName]
Get the area plot fill-area-under-curve setting. 1 = normal, 2 = inclusive broken by missing values, 3 = exclusive broken by missing values, 4 = Sidelines Only, 5 = Span Vertically broken by missing values, 6 = Sidelines and Base, 7 = Fill to Base, 8 = Fill to next data plot – One Color, and 9 = Fill to next data plot –Above Below Colors.
Syntax: get name -pfn [variableName]
Get the mode of Fill to next data plot, 1 = Common X Area, and 2 = Area Enclosed by End Points.
Syntax: get name -s [variableName]
Determine whether the data plot is hidden. 1 = shown, 0 = hidden.
Syntax: get name -skip [variableName]
Get the skip value (if used) for a dataset. 0 = Not used, integer value = Skip Points.