5.8 Mathematical Analysis with LabTalkTutorial-Mathematical-Analysis
Many mathematical analysis tools in Origin is accessible from LabTalk script, for example, differentiation, integration, interpolation, averaging multiple curves .etc. Most of these analysis has one or more associated X-Functions, and many commands, objects or arithmetic operators work as an implement to these X-Functions.
When carrying out mathematical analysis, it is sometimes very useful to create a user-interactive dialog to get user input and use the input value(s) for further calculation.
What You Will Learn
This tutorial will show you how to:
- subtract a line from source data
- create a user-interactive dialog (getn) to get input from user and make use of the input values
- use interpolation to compute the Y value for given X
- normalize a data column
- calculate average for multiple curves
- Import the data file Waterfall.dat under <Origin EXE folder>\Samples\Graphing folder with the associated import filter into the workbook Waterfall.
// Create a newbook and name it Waterfall (both long and short name)
newbook name:="Waterfall" option:=lsname;
// Define the file name and filter name
string fname$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Graphing\Waterfall.dat";
string filtername$ = "waterfall.oif";
// Use the impfile x-function to import the specified file with the import filter
impfile fname:=fname$ filtername:=filtername$ location:=data orng:=[Waterfall]1!;
- Use a loop and the subtract_line X-Function to subtract a simple baseline of end points connection.
//Create new sheet named as SubtractedData
newsheet name:=SubtractedData;
//Define the newly created worksheet(current active) as a range variable
range sdwk = !;
//Active the "Waterfall" worksheet by its name
page.active$ = "Waterfall";
//Define a integral to hold the number of columns in Waterfall sheet
int nc = wks.nCols;
//Set the number of columns in SubtractedData sheet to be the same
sdwk.nCols = nc;
//Use the loop and subtract_line x-function to subtract baseline
//The first and last data points are found and connected linearly
//This line will be subtracted as baseline from source data
//Subtracted data will be named by excitation wavelength of source data
loop(ii, 2, nc)
range rx = [Waterfall]Waterfall!col(1);
range ry = [Waterfall]Waterfall!col($(ii));
subtract_line iy:=[Waterfall]Waterfall!(1,$(ii))
x1:=rx[1] /* Specifies the X value of the first point*/
y1:=ry[1] /* Specifies the Y value of the first point*/
x2:=rx[$(wks.maxRows)] /* Specifies the X value of the last point*/
y2:=ry[$(wks.maxRows)] /* Specifies the Y value of the last point*/
//Rename the column long names in SubtractedData sheet
//Use the User Defined Parameter Wavelength in Waterfall sheet
[Waterfall]SubtractedData!col($(ii))[L]$ = [Waterfall]Waterfall!col($(ii))[D1]$ + "nm";
- Use a getn dialog to get some user input, let user decide whether to use the peak height at a reference position, or simply the maximum peak height for normalization.
//Create a dialog to get user input of reference peak position X value
double xx;//give an initial value
//Create getn dialog
int n;
(Use Specified Reference Peak for Normalization) n:2s
(Reference Peak Position X Value) xx
(If not specified, the data will be normalized based on maximum Y value);
- Based on the user input from the previous step, loop over all Y columns to do data normalization.
//Create a new worksheet Normalized
//And set the number of columns to be the same as previous worksheets
newsheet name:=Normalized cols:=nc outname:=sname1$;
//Fill in column A with the same data of column A in SubtractedData worksheet
range r1 = col(1);
range r2 = [Waterfall]SubtractedData!col(1);
r1 = r2;
if(n==0)/*If user hasn't chosen "Use Specified Reference Peak for Normalization"*/
loop(ii, 2, nc)
//Use the rnormalize x-function to normalize the columns
rnormalize -r 2
method:=max /*Use "Divided by Maximum" as Normalization method" */
wks.col = ii;
col($(ii))[L]$ = [Waterfall]Waterfall!col($(ii))[D1]$ + "nm";
if(n==1)/*If user has chosen "Use Specified Reference Peak for Normalization"*/
loop(ii, 2, nc)
range rr=[Waterfall]SubtractedData!(1,$(ii));
//Use interpolation to compute the Y value for given X
double yy = rr(xx);
//Use the rnormalize x-function to normalize the columns
rnormalize -r 2
method:=specify /*Use "Divided by a specified value" as Normalization method" */
val:=yy /*Use the computed Y value from interpolation as reference value*/
wks.col = ii;
col($(ii))[L]$ = [Waterfall]Waterfall!col($(ii))[D1]$ + "nm";
 | Except for the range( ) syntax, several X-Functions can be used for interpolation, e.g. interp1(interpolate Y from X), interp1q(linear interpolation and extrapolation), interp1xy(1D interpolation/extrapolation on a group of XY data).etc
- Plot the normalized data as grouped line plots.
//Plot the normalized data as grouped line plots, no legend
plotxy iy:=(1,2:end) plot:=200 legend:=0;
- Calculate the average of multiple curves with the avecurves X-Function.
win -a Waterfall;
//Create new sheet named as Avecurve
newsheet name:=Avecurve;
//Use a loop to calculate the average for every 4 curves
for(ii=2; ii<nc; ii=ii+4)
avecurves -r 2 iy:=%(sname1$)(1,$(ii):$(ii+4)) rd:=[Waterfall]Avecurve!col($(ii/2));
- Plot the average curve results as another grouped line plot.
//Select the whole worksheet of Avecurve
worksheet -s 0 0 0 0;
//Plot the active range as grouped line plot
plotxy plot:=200 legend:=0;