2.5.21 SetEvenSampling
Set sampling settings of one column
VB: Function SetEvenSampling(X0 As ByVal Double, XInc As ByVal Double, [ Units As ByVal Object ], [ LongName As ByVal Object ], [ DispFormat As ByVal Object ] ) As Boolean
C++: bool SetEvenSampling(double X0, double XInc, _variant_t Units, _variant_t LongName, _variant_t DispFormat )
C#: bool SetEvenSampling(double X0, double XInc, var Units, var LongName, var DispFormat )
- X0
- The initial value of X.
- XInc
- The increment of X.
- Units
- A string of the unit of X axis. For example, if X axis is a time line, then the Unit could be "ms".
- LongName
- A string of the LongName of X axis. For example, "Time".
- DispFormat
- A string of display format of numbers. For example, "%8.2f"
A boolean value with true indicating set successfully and false indicating it is failed.
Connect to the running Origin. Set the interval of samples in Column(0) as 20ms, and send data to the column. You can see the result in Origin. Then, Get the sample rate of the column and output it.
Public Sub SetEvenSampling()
Dim app As Origin.ApplicationSI
Dim Wks As Origin.Worksheet
Dim Data(1 To 100) As Double
Dim ii As Integer
For ii = 1 To 100
Data(ii) = ii * 0.12 + 3.75
Set app = New Origin.ApplicationSI
Set Wks = app.FindWorksheet("")
'Set a time line, which unit is ms, starting from 0 and sample interval is 20 ms, and display format is default
ii = Wks.Columns(0).SetEvenSampling(0, 20, "ms", "Time", "")
'Send data to the column
Wks.Columns(0).SetData (Data)
'Get the sample rate of the column, and output it to the Excel sheet
Range("A1") = Wks.Columns(0).EvenSampling
End Sub
Using Origin;
static void SetEvenSampling()
double[] Data = new double[100];
for (int ii = 0; ii < 100; ii++)
Data[ii] = ii * 0.12 + 3.75;
Origin.ApplicationSI app = new Origin.ApplicationSI();
Worksheet wks = app.FindWorksheet("");
//Set a time line, which unit is ms, starting from 0 and sample interval is 20 ms, and display format is default
wks.Columns[0].SetEvenSampling(0, 20, "ms", "Time", "");
//Send data to the column
wks.Columns[0].SetData(Data, 0);
//Get the sample rate of the column, and output it to console
Version Information
See Also
SetData | EvenSampling