Connect to ftp server to send/receive files
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
1. oftp user:=anonymous pw:=anonymous cmd:=directory;
2. oftp user:=anonymous pw:=anonymous rpath:=/incoming lpath:=d:\ cmd:=send fname:=myData.dat;
3. oftp user:=anonymous pw:=anonymous cmd:=receive lpath:=d:\ fname:=index;
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
Option list:
This X-Function provides a way to allow two computers on different networks to share data via FTP server. It supports standard methods for sending and receiving files in either ASCII or binary formats. It is also able to list directory contents on FTP server, and delete a specified file on the FTP server.
This example shows how to upload a data file (D:\MyData.dat) to OriginLab Technical Support via OriginLab FTP.
oftp -d;
D:\MyData.dat uploaded.
Keywords:ip address, domain, directory, download, upload