2.1 Data Exploration

Name Brief Example
addtool_curve_deriv Place a rectangle on the plot to perform differentiation.
addtool_curve_fft Add a rectangle onto the plot to perform FFT.
addtool_curve_integ Attach a rectangle on the plot to perform integration. Example
addtool_curve_interp Place a rectangle on the plot to perform interpolation.
addtool_curve_intersect Place a rectangle on the plots to perform intersection. Example
addtool_curve_stats Place a rectangle onto the plot to calculate basic statistics.
addtool_quickfit Place a rectangle onto the plot to do fitting.
addtool_quickpeaks Place a rectangle onto the plot to pick peaks, subtract baseline, integrate the peaks.
addtool_cluster Place a rectangle or circle onto the plot to calculate basic statistics.
addtool_rise_time Attach a rectangle on the plot to analyze rise time or fall time. Example
addtool_integ2 Select a region on a contour intuitively and perform integration of the data surface
addtool_sigmoidal_fit Place a rectangle onto the plot to perform sigmoidal curve fitting
dlgRowColGoto Go to and select specified row and column. Example
imageprofile Open the Image Profile dialog.
vinc Calculate the average increment in a vector. Example
vinc_check Calculate the average increment in a vector.