1.2.20 OAPutWorksheet


Place data into an Origin worksheet.

Connector Pane

OAPutWorksheet CP.jpg

Controls and Indicators

CI ref c.jpg Origin.IOApplication is a reference to Origin.ApplicationSI.
CI string c.jpg name is the name of the worksheet.
CI dbl c.jpg data is the data to put in worksheet.
CI num c.jpg r1 is the start row index to put the data.
CI num c.jpg c1 is the start column index to put the data.
CI err c.jpg Error In contains error information that occur before this VI or function runs.
CI ref i.jpg Origin.IOApplication.Out is a reference to Origin.ApplicationSI.
CI tf i.jpg PutWorksheet is TRUE, the data are put into the worksheet successfully, otherwise failed.
CI err i.jpg Error Out contains error information.