1.3.5 System Class

The following classes are about system settings. For more details, please refer to the Origin C: Origin C Reference: Classes: System chapter in the help document of OriginC.

Class Brief Description

This class is used to control the permission to read/write the binary files by using unbuffered io (accessing immediate disk). It is similar to the MFC CFile class. Please also refer to the stdioFile class, which is for buffered stream io to text files.


This class is used to access the data stored in the initialization file.


The methods in this class are used to access Windows registry.


This class is derived from the file class, from which it inherits methods and properties. This class is used to control the permission to read/write the text and binary files by using buffered stream io. However, this class does not support stream io to stdin, stdout, and stderr. Please also refer to the file class, which is for unbuffered io to binary files.