Basic Matrixsheet OperationMatrix-Basic-Operation
Examples in this section are similar to those found in the Basic Worksheet Operation section, because many object properties and X-Functions apply to both Worksheets and Matrixsheets. Note, however, that not all properties of the wks object apply to a matrixsheet, and one should verify before using a property in production code.
Add New Matrixsheet
The newsheet X-Function with the mat:=1 option can be used to add new matrixsheets to matrixbook.
// Create a new matrixbook with 3 matrixsheets,
// and use "myMatrix" as long name and short name
newbook name:="myMatrix" sheet:=3 option:=lsname mat:=1;
// Add a 100*100 matrixsheet named "newMatrix" to current matrixbook
newsheet name:=newMatrix cols:=100 rows:=100 mat:=1;
Activate a Matrixsheet
Active MatrixsheetActive WindowActive WorkbookActive MatrixbookSimilar to worksheets, matrixsheets are also layers in a page, and page.active and page.active$ properties can access matrixsheets. For example:
// Create a new matrixbook with 3 matrixsheets
newbook sheet:=3 mat:=1;
page.active = 2; // Activate a matrixsheet by layer number
page.active$ = MSheet3; // Activate a matrixsheet by name
Modify Matrixsheet Properties
To modify matrix properties, use the wks object, which works on matrixsheets as well as worksheets. For example:
Rename matrixsheet
// Rename the matrixsheet
wks.name$ = "New Matrix";
// Modify the column width
wks.colwidth = 8;
Set Dimensions
Both the wks object and the mdim X-Function can be used to set matrix dimensions:
// Use the wks object to set dimension
wks.ncols = 100;
wks.nrows = 200;
// Use the mdim X-Function to set dimension
mdim cols:=100 rows:=100;
For the case of multiple matrix objects contained in the same matrixsheet, note that all of the matrix objects must have the same dimensions.
Set Labels
You can use wks.x(y).comments$/longname$/units$ to get/set x/y labels. See the wks object for details.
Z labels can see this.
//write the Long Name for X coordinates of the active matrix
Set XY Mapping
Matrices have numbered columns and rows which are mapped to linearly spaced X and Y values. In LabTalk, you can use the mdim X-Function to set the mapping.
// XY mapping of matrixsheet
mdim cols:=100 rows:=100 x1:=2 x2:=4 y1:=4 y2:=9;
Delete Matrixsheet
Use the layer -d commands to delete matrixsheet. For example:
layer -d; // delete the active layer, can be worksheet, matrixsheet or graph layer
layer -d 3; // by index, delete third matrixsheet in active matrixbook
layer -d msheet1; // delete matrixsheet by name
range rs = [mbook1]msheet3!;
layer -d rs; // delete matrixsheet by range
// the matrixbook name stored in a string variable
string str$ = msheet2;
layer -d %(str$);