VB: Function Add As MatrixObject
C++: MatrixObject Add
C#: MatrixObject Add
Dim m_pOrigin As Origin.IOApplication Dim m_mtxPage As Origin.MatrixPage Dim m_mtxSheet As Origin.MatrixSheet Dim m_mtxObj As Origin.MatrixObject Private Sub ConnectAndPrepare() m_pOrigin = New Origin.ApplicationSI() m_pOrigin.NewProject() m_pOrigin.Visible = Origin.MAINWND_VISIBLE.MAINWND_SHOW m_mtxPage = m_pOrigin.MatrixPages.Add() m_mtxSheet = m_pOrigin.FindMatrixSheet("") m_mtxSheet.Cols = 200 m_mtxSheet.Rows = 200 m_mtxObj = m_mtxSheet.MatrixObjects.Add() m_mtxObj.DataFormat = Origin.COLDATAFORMAT.DF_USHORT m_mtxObj.ViewImage = True End Sub
Origin::IOApplicationPtr m_pIOApp; Origin::MatrixPagePtr m_pMatrixPage; Origin::MatrixSheetPtr m_pMatrixSheet; Origin::MatrixObjectPtr m_pMatrixObject; bool connect(void) { CoInitialize(NULL); this->m_pIOApp.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Application)); m_pIOApp->PutVisible(Origin::MAINWND_SHOW_BRING_TO_FRONT); const int nMatrixPageType = 5; const int nVisible = 2; m_pIOApp->CreatePage( nMatrixPageType, "Data", "", nVisible); m_pMatrixPage = m_pIOApp->GetActivePage(); m_pMatrixSheet = m_pMatrixPage->GetLayers()->Add(); m_pMatrixSheet->Activate(); if( m_pMatrixSheet ) { m_pMatrixSheet->PutCols(200); m_pMatrixSheet->PutRows(200); m_pMatrixObject = m_pMatrixSheet->GetMatrixObjects()->Add(); m_pMatrixObject->Activate(); m_pMatrixObject->DataFormat = Origin::DF_USHORT; //set to view matrix as image, this has to be done by LabTalk for now, until we add the //proper COM method in next SR m_pMatrixSheet->Execute("matrix -ii"); } }
object Default = System.Type.Missing; private Origin.ApplicationSI m_app; private MatrixPage m_mpg; private MatrixSheet m_msht; private MatrixObject m_mObj; private void Init() { m_app = new Origin.ApplicationSI(); m_app.NewProject(); m_app.Visible = MAINWND_VISIBLE.MAINWND_SHOW; m_mpg = m_app.MatrixPages.Add(Default, Default); m_msht = m_mpg.Layers[0] as MatrixSheet; m_msht.Cols = 200; m_msht.Rows = 200; m_mObj = m_msht.MatrixObjects.Add(); m_mObj.DataFormat = COLDATAFORMAT.DF_USHORT; // unsign short m_mObj.ViewImage = true; }