2.1.42 PutWorksheet
Put two dimensional data into a specified Origin worksheet starting at a specified column and row.
VB: Function PutWorksheet(Name As ByVal String, data As ByVal Object, [ r1 As ByVal Object ], [ c1 As ByVal Object ] ) As Boolean
C++: bool PutWorksheet(LPCSTR Name, _variant_t data, _variant_t r1, _variant_t c1 )
C#: bool PutWorksheet(string Name, var data, var r1, var c1 )
- Name
- Name of Origin worksheet to receive the data.
- data
- A two-dimensional safearray containing the data that will be put into the worksheet.
- r1
- Zero based index of the first row, in the worksheet, to receive the data. Default is zero. Use -1 to append the data.
- c1
- Zero based index of the first column, in the worksheet, to receive the data. Default is zero. Use -1 to append the data.
Returns true if successful else false.
Public Sub PutWorksheet()
Dim app As Origin.ApplicationSI
Dim pws As Boolean
Dim ii As Integer
Dim data(1 To 100, 1 To 2) As Double
For ii = 1 To 100
data(ii, 1) = ii + 0.12
data(ii, 2) = ii * 10
Set app = New Origin.ApplicationSI
pws = app.PutWorksheet("[Book1]Sheet1", data)
If Not pws Then
MsgBox ("Failed to put worksheet")
MsgBox ("put worksheet successfully")
End If
End Sub
using Origin;
static bool TestPutWorksheet()
Origin.ApplicationSI originApp = new Origin.ApplicationSI();
Random rnd = new Random();
int nNumRows = 100;
int nNumCols = 2;
// Create some data to put into the worksheet.
double[,] data = new double[nNumRows, nNumCols];
for (int nRow = 0; nRow < nNumRows; nRow++)
data[nRow, 0] = (double)(nRow + 1);
data[nRow, 1] = rnd.NextDouble();
// Start a new Origin project.
// Create a new workbook.
WorksheetPage wpg = originApp.WorksheetPages.Add("origin", System.Type.Missing);
// Get the first worksheet in the new book.
Worksheet wks = wpg.Layers[0] as Worksheet;
wks.Rows = nNumRows;
wks.Cols = nNumCols;
// Construct a full sheet name to pass to PutWorksheet.
string strFullSheetName = "[" + wpg.Name + "]" + wks.Name;
// Put the data into the worksheet.
return originApp.PutWorksheet(strFullSheetName, data, 0, 0);
import OriginExt as O
app = O.Application(); app.Visible = app.MAINWND_SHOW
pageName = app.CreatePage(app.OPT_WORKSHEET)
testData = [[5,87,90], [3.14, 24.6, 68.09]]
app.PutWorksheet(pageName, testData)
outputData = app.GetWorksheet(pageName)
import random
import win32com.client # COM module
# Connect to Origin
origin = win32com.client.Dispatch("Origin.ApplicationSI")
# Create a new workbook named "Python" using the "origin" template
pageName = origin.CreatePage(2, "Python", "origin")
# Generate X data to be the even numbers from zero to 100.
# Note: the end of range is exclusive
xData = range(0,101,2)
# Generate Y data to be random numbers
yData = []
for i in range(0,len(xData)):
# Put the X and Y data into the worksheet
origin.PutWorksheet(pageName, xData, 0, 0) # row 0, col 0
origin.PutWorksheet(pageName, yData, 0, 1) # row 0, col 1
Version Information
See Also
GetWorksheet | Worksheet.SetData | Worksheet.GetData
| Column.SetData | Column.GetData