Worksheet: Convert to XYZ
Convert worksheet data to XYZ format
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.0 SR3, updated in 8.5.1 SR0
1. w2xyz iw:=[book1]sheet1! format:=xcol xlabel:=row1 ycol:=1;
2. w2xyz format:=xcol xlabel:=param param:=P ycol:=1;
3. w2xyz -r 2 range:=rng format:=ycol ylabel:=sel1 xcol:=sel1 trim:=1;
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
Option list:
See the syntax of Output Notations.
This X-Function is used to convert matrix-like worksheet data (virtual matrix) into XYZ column form. X coordinates are usually arranged in the first row and Y coordinates in the first column, or vice versa. It does not require the X and Y coordinates to be evenly-spaced. If XY coordinates are not included, column and row index are used. Z values can be numeric or text (as wll as categorical data).
w2xyz -d;
w2m, r2m, m2w