Details of TreeNodes in Wheatmap


The trlevel tree specifies the levels setting of heatmap for the wheatmap X-Function.

Syntax: trlevel.Treenode:=<value>


  • trlevel.rescale:=0 trlevel.from:=10 trlevel.to:=30 trlevel.by:=0 trlevel.first:=2;
Treenode Label Type Default Description
rescale Auto Rescale int 1 Specify whether to automatically detect the maximum and minimum value of the range.
  • 0: not auto detect
  • 1: auto detect
from From double 1 This is available only when trlevel.rescale=0. Use it to specify the minimum value.
to To double 10 This is available only when trlevel.rescale=0. Use it to specify the maximum value.
type Type int 0 Specify a type for the level scale.
  • 0: Linear
  • 1: Log10
  • 2: Probability
  • 3: Probit
  • 4: Rreciprocal
  • 5: Offset Reciprocal
  • 6: Logit
  • 7: Ln
  • 8: Log2
  • 9: Double Log Reciprocal
by Levels int 1
  • 0: By Increment
  • 1: By Count
val value double 20

When trlevel.by:=0, use it to specify the value for increment.
When trlevel.by:=1, use it to specify the number for count.

first First Level double Specify the value of the first level.


The trcolor tree specifies the colors setting of heatmap for the wheatmap X-Function.

Syntax: trcolor.Treenode:=<value>


  • trcolor.autocolor:=1 trcolor.method:=3 trcolor.name:="Soft Thermometer" trcolor.head:=19 trcolor.tail:=20;
Treenode Label Type Default Description
type Format Type int 0 Apply the heatmap color to fill the background of the cells, or color the font text.
  • 0: Fill Background
  • 1: Color Text
autocolor Contrast Color for Text int 0 This is available only when trcolor.type=0. Specify whether to color the text by the contrast color.
method Color Generation int 1 Specify a color generation method for the heatmap.
  • 0: Limited Mixing
Specify this method, then you can set a minimum level fill color (from) and a maximum level fill color (to), and fill the levels between these extremes with a linear mix of the two colors.
  • 1: 3-Color Limited Mixing
Specify this method, then you can set a minimum level fill color (from), a middle level fill color (middle) and a maximum level fill color (To), and fill a range of cells by using a gradation of three colors.
  • 2: Introducing Other Colors in Mixing
Specify this method, Origin automatically introduce complementary colors into the mix. It provides fill colors that are more distinct than the ones provided by the Limited Mixing method.
  • 3: Load Palette
Load the palette and apply it to color fills.
from From int 33518965 This is available only when trcolor.method=0 / 1 / 2. Use it to specify the color for the minimum level.
middle Middle int 18 This is available only when trcolor.method=1. Use it to specify the color for the middle level.
to To int 24475135 This is available only when trcolor.method=0 / 1 / 2. Use it to specify the color for the maximum level.
flip1 Flip int 0 This is available only when trcolor.method=0 / 1 / 2. Use it to specify whether to flip the color list.
  • 0: do not flip the list
  • 1: flip the list
middlePos Middle Position int 0 This is available only when trcolor.method=1. Use it to specify how Middle Position is determined.
  • 0: By Percentile
  • 1: By Percent
  • 2: By Value
middlePosVal To int 50 This is available only when trcolor.method=1. Use it to specify the value for Middle Position.
list Palette 255:{24475135, 24540927, 24606719, 24672511, 24738303, 24804095, 24869887, 24935679, 25001471, 25067263, ..., 33518965} This is available only when trcolor.method=3. Use it to specify the palette or the color list.
name Palette string This is available only when trcolor.method=3. The name of the Increment list or Palettes.
flip2 Flip int 0 This is available only when trcolor.method=3. Use it to specify whether to flip the color palette.
  • 0: do not flip the palette
  • 1: flip the palette
head Below int -4 Specify a color and it will be used to the cell that the value less than from value.
tail Above int -4 Specify a color and it will be used to the cell that the value greater than to value.