Details of TreeNodes in Wcolor


The trrule tree specifies the rule for the wcolor X-Function.

Syntax: trrule.Treenode:=<value>


  • trrule.cond1:=4 trrule.val11:=30;
Treenode Label Type Default Description
cond1 Condition1 int 0 Specify the rule for the first condition.

When the range (columns) Format = Numeric

  • 0: equal to
  • 1: not equal to
  • 2: greater than
  • 3: greater than or equal to
  • 4: less than
  • 5: less than or equal to
  • 6: between
  • 7: text that contains
  • 8: custom

When the range (columns) Format = Date / Time

  • 0: equal to
  • 1: not equal to
  • 2: after
  • 3: on or after
  • 4: before
  • 5: on or before
  • 6: between
  • 7: text that contains
  • 8: custom
val11 double 0 This is valid when trrule.cond1:=0 to 6. Set the number or statistics/mach function for the condition. If the data format is Data / Time, specify number of Julian days.
val12 double 1 This is valid when trrule.cond1:=6.(use Between as the rule). Set the number or statistics/mach function for the condition. If the data format is Data / Time, specify number of Julian days.
text1 string This is valid only when trrule.cond1:=7. Use it to specify the text is contains in the cells.
custom1 Custom This is valid only when trrule.cond1:=8. Use it to specify the condition by user custom.
join Join int 0 Specify whether to a add the second condition, and the relation of two conditions.
  • 0: None
  • 1: And
  • 2: Or
cond2 Condition2 int 0 This is valid only when trrule.join:=1 or 2. Specify the rule for the second condition. To know more details, refer to cond1
val21 double 0 This is valid when trrule.cond2:=0 to 6. Set the number or statistics/mach function for the second condition. If the data format is Data / Time, specify number of Julian days.
val22 double 1 This is valid when trrule.cond2:=6.(use Between as the rule). Set the number or statistics/mach function for the second condition. If the data format is Data / Time, specify number of Julian days.
text2 string This is valid only when trrule.cond2:=7. Use it to specify the text is contains in the cells for the second condition.
custom2 Custom This is valid only when trrule.cond2:=8. Use it to specify the second condition by user custom.
fill Background int 30067455 Specify the background color to fill the cells that the value matchs the condition setting. Specify the color by internal color code or color() function with color name/ RGB triplet/ HTML hex color code.
font Text Color int 20132812 Specify the text color for the cells that the value matchs the condition setting. Specify the color by internal color code or color() function with color name/ RGB triplet/ HTML hex color code.