Details of TreeNodes in NLGUI


Quantities SubTree

Specify the quantities to be computed and displayed.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
ANOVAtable ANOVA int 1 Specify whether to create the analysis of variance table.
mCov Covariance matrix int 0 Specify whether to create the covariance matrix.
mCor Correlation matrix int 0 Specify whether to create the correlation matrix.

Parameters SubTree

Specify the quantities to be output to the Fit Parameters table in the report sheet.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
Value Value int 1 The parameter values.
Fix Fixed int 0 Indicating whether a parameter is fixed.
Error Standard Error int 1 The standard error of each parameter.
LCL LCL int 0 The lower control limit.
UCL UCL int 0 The upper control limit.
Confidence Confidence level for Parameters (%) int 95 The confidence level for regression. This control is available only when either LCL or UCL is checked.
tValue t-Value int 0 The t-test value of parameters.
Prob t| int 0 The p-value of parameters.
Dependency Dependency int 0 The dependency values for parameters.
ConfInterval Cl Half-Width int 0 The half-widths of the confidence intervals.
LowerBound Lower Bound int 0 Minimum parameter values.
Upper Bound UpperBound int 0 Maximum parameter value.

Statistics SubTree

Specify the quantities to be output to the Fit Statistics table in the report sheet.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
N Number of Points int 1 The total number of input data points.
DOF Degrees of Freedom int 1 The degrees of freedom of the models.
ReducedChiSq Reduced chi-Sqr int 1 The reduced chi square.
Rvalue R Value int 0 The R value, which is equal to the square root of the reduced chi-square value.
SSR Residual Sum of Squares int 1 The residual sum of squares (RSS), or the sum of square error.
RsqCOD R-Square (COD) int 1 The coefficient of determination
AdjRSq Adj. R-Square int 1 The adjusted coefficient of determination.
RMSESD Root MSE(SD) int 1 The standard deviation, or square root of mean square error.
NumIter Number of Iterations int 0 The number of iterations.
FitStatus Fit Status int 1 The fit status.
ReplicaNum Number of Replicas int 0 The Number of replicas.
ParamsFromNum Replicas From nth Parameter int 0 The beginning parameter which be used as replicas.
ParamsUsed Number of Parameters Used in Replicas int 0 The number of parameters used in replicas.


Specify the quantities to be output to the Fit Summary table.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
Value Value int 1 The parameter values.
Error Standard Error int 1 The standard error of each parameter.
LCL LCL int 0 The lower control limit.
UCL UCL int 0 The upper control limit.
AdjRSq Adj.R-Square int 1 The adjusted coefficient of determination.
RsqCOD R-Square(COD) int 0 The coefficient of determination.
ReducedChiSq Reduced Chi-Sqr int 0 The reduced chi-square value.

ResAnalysis SubTree

Select methods to calculate different kinds of residuals.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
Regular Regular int 1 The regular method to calculate different kinds of residuals.
Stad Standardized int 0 The standardized method to calculate different kinds of residuals.
Stud Studentized int 0 The studentized method to calculate different kinds of residuals.
StudDel Studentized Deleted int 0 The studentized deleted method to calculate different kinds of residuals.

Output SubTree

Specify the output results.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
GraphNumCols Arrange Graphs into Columns int 1 Specify a number l. In any result sheet table, graphs will be arranged in matrix of l rows.
PlotInOneGraph Arrange Plots of same Type in One Graph int 0 Specify whether the plots of the same type will be arranged in one graph.
RCSheet Fitted Results Sheet Arrangement int 0 Specify how to arrange the fitted result worksheets. This option is only available when the multiple datasets are inputted and the Multi-Data Fit Mode is Independent Consolidated Report.

Options include:

  • Combined
    All results are combined in the worksheet.
  • Separate
    The results are output to separate worksheets.

PlotSettings SubTree

Treenode Label Type Default Description
PasteResultTalble Paste Result Tables to Graph TreeNode For more details, please refer here
PasteResultTalble SubTree
Treenode Label Type Default Description
TableTemplate Template to Create Table string Specify the table template used to paste the results onto the graph.
ThemeRsltTable Graph Table Theme string Specify the .ini file which is used to customize the table pasted onto the grap. By default, the system setting is used.

Report SubTree

Specify what is output to report.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
Book Book int 1 Use this drop-down list to specify the destination workbook. Options include:
  • <none>
    Do not output report worksheet tables.
  • <auto>
    If source workbook is available, the source workbook will be used as output; Otherwise, a new workbook will be created and used as output.
  • <source>
    The source data workbook.
  • <new>
    A new workbook.
  • <existing>
    A specified existing workbook.
BookName Book Name int 0 This control only available when <New> is selected in Book drop-down list. It is used to specify name of new workbook.
Sheet Sheet int 0 The destination worksheet for the report. The default setting is New.
SheetName Sheet Name String It is used to specify name of destination worksheet.
AddReportToResultsLog Results Log int 0 Use this check box to specify whether to output the report to the Results Log.
DumpScripWindow Script Window int 0 Specify whether to output the report to the Script Window.
DumpNotesWindow Notes Window int 0 Specify the destination Notes Window to output the report. Options include:
  • <none>
    Do not send output to a Notes window.
  • <new>
    Send output to a new Notes window. You can enter a name of the Notes window here.

Data SubTree

Specify the destination workbooks and worksheet to output the fitted data.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
Book Book string <auto> Use this drop-down list to specify the destination workbook:
  • <auto>
    If source workbook is available, the source workbook will be used as output; Otherwise, a new workbook will be created and used as output.
  • <source>
    The source data workbook.
  • <report>
    The workbook containing the report tables.
  • <new>
    A new workbook.
  • <existing>
    A specified existing workbook.
BookName Book Name string This control only available when <New> is selected in Book drop-down list. It is used to specify name of new workbook.
Sheet Sheet string <new> The destination worksheet for the report.
  • <source>
    Source data worksheet.
  • <new>
    A new worksheet.
  • <existing>
    A specified existing worksheet.
SheetName Sheet Name string FitNLCurve1 It is used to specify name of destination worksheet.


Specify the destination workbook and worksheet for the residuals.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
BookName Book int 0 Use this drop-down list to specify the destination workbook:
  • <fittedvalue>
    The workbook that has the fitted values.
  • <Source>
    The source data workbook.
  • <new>
    A new workbook.
  • <existing>
    A specified existing workbook.
BookName Book Name int 0 This control only available when <New> is selected in Book drop-down list. It is used to specify name of new workbook.
Sheet Sheet int 0 Use this drop-down list to specify the destination worksheet:
  • <fittedvalue>
    The worksheet that has the fitted values.
  • <new>
    A new worksheet.
SheetName Sheet Name String It is used to specify name of destination worksheet.


Specify the destination workbook and worksheet for the residuals.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
BookName Book int 0 Use this drop-down list to specify the destination workbook:
  • <fittedvalue>
    The workbook that has the fitted values.
  • <Source>
    The source data workbook.
  • <new>
    A new workbook.
  • <existing>
    A specified existing workbook.
BookName Book Name int 0 This control only available when <New> is selected in Book drop-down list. It is used to specify name of new workbook.
Sheet Sheet int 0 Use this drop-down list to specify the destination worksheet:
  • <fittedvalue>
    The worksheet that has the fitted values.
  • <new>
    A new worksheet.
  • <existing>
    A specified existing worksheet.
SheetName FindX SheetName String It is used to specify X values' name of destination worksheet.
SheetName2 FindY SheetName String It is used to specify Y values' name of destination worksheet.

Create SubTree

Specify the quantities to be output to report worksheet.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
FormulaDisp Equations in Notes int 0 Use this option to specify how to output fitting function formula.

Options are:

  • 0: Equation with Names
    Output the equation with parameter names.
  • 1: Equation with Values
    Output the equation with the fitted values of parameter.
Notes Notes int 1 The Notes table.
InputData Input Data int 1 The table for input data.
MaskedData Masked Data int 0 The table for masked data.
MissingData Missing Data int 0 The table for missing data.

Graph SubTree

Specify the settings of the graphs in the report sheet.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
DoPlot Plot in Report Table int 1 Specfy whether the fit curves will be output in the report sheet.
PlotType Plot Type int 0 This option is available only when the input datasets are from a graph and the Concatenate data mode is chosen. It can be used to control what is added to the source graph. Options include:
  • Raw Data
    The raw data, which is the combined input datasets, is plotted.
  • Mean,SD
    The mean values of the input datasets are plotted as scatter with the standard deviations as error bars.
  • Mean,SE
    The mean values of the input datasets are plotted as scatter with the standard errors as error bars.
Note: When either Mean, SD or Mean, SE is selected, a mean value that corresponds to an X value is calculated by averaging all the Y values from the input datasets, which correspond to the same X value. If there is only one Y value that corresponds to the X value, both SD and SE will be missing values.
PlotFit Plot on Source Graph int 1 This option is available only when the input datasets are from a graph. It can be used to specify whether to add the fitted curve to the original graph.
  • None
    The fitted curve is not added to the original graph.
  • Fitted Curve
    The fitted curve is added to the original graph.
  • Fitted Curve+Plot Type
    The fitted curve and the plot specified by the Plot Type drop-down list are added to the original graph.This option is available only when the input datasets are from a graph and the Concatenate Fit mode is chosen.
UpdateLegend Update Legend on Source Graph int 0 This control is available only when the input datasets are from a graph. When this checkbox is selected, the legend of the input graph will be updated after the fitted curves are appended.
SetColor Multiple Plots Use Source Graph Color int 0 Specify whether the color of the fitted curves should be the same as corresponding source plot.
ConfBands Confidence Bands int 0 Specify whether the confidence bands are added to the output graph.
PredBands Prediction Bands int 0 Specify whether or not the prediction bands are added to the output graph.
Confidence Confidence Level for Curves (%) int 95 Specify the confidence level for confidence bands and prediction bands.

XDataType SubTree

Specify the method to generate the X values of the fitted curve.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
N Points int 100 Specify the total number of data points in the fitted curve.
Range Range int 0 Specifiy the range of the X values of the fitted curve.
Min Min int 0 This control is available only when X Data Type is either Uniform Linear or Log and Custom is selected for Range. It specify the minimum X value for fitted curves.
Max Max int 0 This control is available only when X Data Type is either Uniform Linear or Log and Custom is selected for Range. It specify the maxmum X value for fitted curves.
RangeMargin Range Margin int 0 Specify the range of the X values of the fitted curve.


Specify whether to output the Find Specific X/Y tables.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
Custom2 TreeNode Specify whether to generate a Find X From Y table.

.For more details please refer to here

Custom3 TreeNode Specify whether to generate a Find Y From X table.

For more details please refer to here


Treenode Label Type Default Description
Cols int 1 Specifies the number of X columns.


Treenode Label Type Default Description
Cols int 1 Specifies the number of Y columns.

Custom2 and Custom3 indicate the items in the Find X from Y table and the Find Y from X table. You should set the use property of the Custom2 node to 1 before using their sub-nodes.


Specify the methods for residual analysis.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
ResType int 0 Specify whether to generate a aegular residuals plot.
Graph2 int 1 Specify whether to generate a Residual vs. Independents plot.
Graph3 int 0 Specify whether to generate a histogram of the Residual plot.
Graph4 int 0 Specify whether to generate a Residual vs. Predicted Values plot.
Graph5 int 0 Specify whether to generate a Residual vs. the Order of the Data plot.
Graph6 int 0 Specify whether to generate a Residual Lag plot.