4.1.1 Data ManipulationData-Manipulation
Selecting and Coloring Worksheet Cells
Origin has two x-functions for conditional selection - wcellsel and wxt; The former(wcellsel) is cell-based on an arbitrary range of cells in a worksheet. The latter(wxt) is equivalent to the worksheet extract dialog that works at the column level.
The following code uses wcellsel X-function to select cells that meet a condition, and then uses wcellcolor to color them.
// create new book with some columns and fill with random data
newsheet cols:=6 xy:="Y";
// select all cells with value greater than or equal to 0.5 and color them
wcellsel 1:end c:=ge v:=0.5;
wcellcolor c:=color(green);
wcellcolor c:=color(red) type:=1;
wcellsel; // this deselects cells so colors show
Coloring Worksheet Rows by wxt
While the wcellsel function can select any worksheet cells, it can only select those cells with a simple condition for the entire range of cells. If you only need to select rows, and you need more precise conditions, then you can use the wxt X-Function, which is basically the LabTalk version of the Worksheet Query dialog. Fill two column with random numbers before running the following example:
//select rows (sel:=1) that meet condition
//col(2)>0.3 for the active worksheet
wxt "col(2)>0.3" sel:=1;
//change the color of the rows of the selected cells
wcellcolor c:=color(green);
//reset the worksheet selection so you can see the colors correctly
Using wxt with Text Columns
There are special considerations when the condition involves text strings. The following example shows a more complicated condition to select based on both a text column and a numeric column.
//import a sample file that has make of cars and their various characteristics
fname$=system.path.program$ + "Samples\Statistics\automobile.dat";
impasc options.sparklines:=0;
// Select all rows in worksheet with make=Acura and Gas Mileage > 11
// Use range variable to make query more readable than "col(Make)[i]$"
range car=col(Make);
// Using string variable to avoid having to write "Acura" inside " "
string str="Acura";
//wxt will translate "=" to "==", "and" to "&&"
wxt "car=str$ and col(Gas Mileage)>11" sel:=1; // Select the rows
wcellcolor c:=color(green); // Color those rows
wcellsel; // Clear the selection
Copy and Paste Data to New Sheet and Apply Transpose
This code uses copydata X-function to copy a block of numeric data to a new worksheet and then use wtranspose X-function to transpose the data.
//Create a new worksheet with six columns of random number
newsheet cols:=6 xy:="Y";
//Highlight a block in the worksheet
worksheet -s 3 3 4 6;
//Copy the highlighted block into a new worksheet
copydata orng:=<new>!<new> clear:=1;
//Transpose the resulting worksheet
copydata X-Function doesn't work for text data. So if the data block has both numeric and string data, please use range -v notation to define blocks as range variables and assign original block to new block to paste the value. Then use wtranspose to transpose the data.
//Import a sample data into a new book
fname$=system.path.program$ + "\Samples\Statistics\Protein Consumption in Europe.dat";
//Define a block of string data;
int nc = 4; // number of columns in the block
int nr = 10; // number of rows in the block
int fi = 4 + nr; // final row index of the block
range -v r1 = 1[4]:$(nc)[$(fi)]; // Set input range
//Create a new worksheet ;
wks.ncols = nc;
int fo = 1 + nr; // final row index of result range
range -v r2=1[1]:$(nc)[$(fo)]; // Set result range
//assign values in r1 to r2
//Transpose the block
// Set the first row as Long name
wrow2label longname:=1
Splitting and Extracting Data to New Sheets
This code demonstrates the use of the discfreqs and wxt X-Functions as well as simpler data manipulation to extract data from a worksheet and place each discrete set into its own sheet. The discfreqs X-Function is an OriginPro-only feature.
//create a new book and import data file
newbook sheet:=1;
string fname$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Data Manipulation\US Metropolitan Area Population.dat";
//store the values of the desired column in a range
range cc = [%(page.name$)]%(wks.name$)!col(4);
string originalsheet=%(wks.name$);
// create two new columns for our split variables
wks.nCols = wks.nCols + 2;
wks.col5.lname$=City ;
// Read over each entry in the range...
for (ii=1; ii<=cc.getsize(); ii++)
initialItem$=cc[ii]$; //create a string of the cell...
// write the variables to the iith cell of our two new columns...
// Analyze the new "State" row to find the discrete "State" designations
discfreqs irng:=col(State) rd:=[<input>]Frequency!;
// Store the designations in a range
range ff = [%(page.name$)]Frequency!col(1);
// Loop over each unique State value from the discrete frequency output
for (jj=1; jj<=ff.getsize(); jj++)
// This string allows the conditional to point to a different
// row of the frequency table with each iteration
string state$ = [%(page.name$)]2!col(1)[jj]$;
// The wxt X-Function requires that the user inclue the "[i]" term
// when using a string as part of the conditional test
string statequote$ = ""%(state$)"";
string cond$ = "col(6)[i]$==" + statequote$;
// Wxt extracts each row of the original sheet corresponding
// to the currently tested state to a new sheet
wxt test:=cond$ iw:=1 ow:="%(state$)";
Subgroup a Worksheet to New Worksheets
This code demonstrates the use of the discfreqs and wxt X-Functions as well as simpler data manipulation to extract data from a worksheet and place each discrete set into its own sheet. Tree and StringArray variables are used to hold the results of discrete frequency count. The discfreqs X-Function is an OriginPro-only feature.
//create a new book and import data file
newbook sheet:=1;
string fname$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Statistics\automobile.dat";
//store the values of the desired column in a range
range makeCol = [%(page.name$)]%(wks.name$)!col(make);
range sourceWks = [%(page.name$)]%(wks.name$)!;
//create a tree to hold the result of frequency count and do frequency
//count to "Make" column to find the discrete "Make" designations
//this X-Function is only available in OriginPro
tree tr;
discfreqs irng:=makeCol rd:=tr;
//create a string array and put the "Make" designations into it
StringArray sa;
//if sa contains data
//loop over each unique "Make" designation
//and extract data from original worksheet to new worksheets
if (sa.GetSize() != NANUM)
for (ii=1; ii<=sa.GetSize(); ii++)
//this string is used to generate condition to
//point to different "Make" designation stored
//in string array for each iteration
string newWk$ = sa.GetAt(ii)$;
//construct tested condition for wxt
string cond$ = "makeCol$==" + newWk$;
//wxt extracts rows of the original sheet according to
//the currently tested state and put them to a new
//worksheet named by the corresponding designation
wxt test:=cond$ iw:=sourceWks ow:=[<input>]<new %(newWk$)>;
Masking the Outliers
This script demonstrates the use of rowstats and wcellmask X-Functions to perform descriptive statistics on rows and mask the cell whose value is defined as outlier.
// create a new book and import data file
newbook sheet:=1;
string fname$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Graphing\Contour.dat";
// get number of columns and rows
int nCols = wks.nCols;
int nRows = wks.nRows;
// add two columns for mean and sd
// perform row stats
rowstats -r 0 irng:=col(1)[1]:col($(nCols))[nRows] mean:=col(Mean) sd:=col(SD);
// mask outlier
for(int ii=1; ii<=nRows; ii++)
double dLower = col(Mean)[ii]-col(SD)[ii]; // mean-sd
double dUpper = col(Mean)[ii]+col(SD)[ii]; // mean+sd
for(int jj=1; jj<=nCols; jj++)
double dOutlier = col($(jj))[ii]; // get cell value
if(dOutlier<dLower || dOutlier>dUpper)
wcellmask irng:=col($(jj))[ii]; // mask the cell
RGB Image Matrix
While a matrix contains information on how many rows and columns to display, it is internally stored as a linear array. This fact can be used to copy data from a matrix to a worksheet column as in this instance where we
- Import an image file
- Extract the Red, Green and Blue (RGB) channels (matrix to matrix)
- Copy the channel data (matrix to column)
- Construct a string representation of the RGB values
- Calculate a histogram of RGB values
// Point to a sample image and import
fname$ = SYSTEM.PATH.PROGRAM$ + "Samples\Image Processing and Analysis\Flower.jpg";
// Split the RGB into separate Red, Green and Blue matrices
imgRGBsplit r:=[RGBOUT]RED!1 g:=[RGBOUT]GREEN!1 b:=[RGBOUT]BLUE!1;
// Create a new Workbook
wks.ncols = 6;
wks.col1.lname$ = Red;
wks.col2.lname$ = Green;
wks.col3.lname$ = Blue;
wks.col4.lname$ = RGB;
wks.col5.lname$ = Value;
wks.col6.lname$ = Count;
// Worksheet ranges
range raDR = 1, raDG = 2, raDB = 3, raDRGB = 4;
// Matrix ranges
range raR = [RGBOUT]RED!1;
range raG = [RGBOUT]GREEN!1;
range raB = [RGBOUT]BLUE!1;
// Copy data from Matrix to Workbook by range assignment
raDR = raR;
raDG = raG;
raDB = raB;
// Create a string showing the RGB triplet
col(D) = col(1)$ + " " + col(2)$ + " " + col(3)$;
// Calculate the histogram
discfreqs irng:=raDRGB rd:=col(Value);
Convert Multiple Matrices into Worksheets
Suppose we have scanned X, Y, and Intensity data stored in a matrixbook for every height Z, and we have 20 such matrixbooks (scaen at 20 heights in Z direction) with Long Name as "Z2um", "Z4um", "Z6um"..., in which the number between "Z" and "um" means the Z height. Now we want to combine all scanned X, Y, Intensity matrices into one worksheet of XYZI structure.
This is common routine for 3D confocal microscopy images and time-lapse images.
doc -e M
string strMat$ = page.longname$;
strMat$ = strMat.Between("Z","um")$; // Get Z Values from Matrixbook Long Name
int ZHeight = %(strMat$);
m2w method:=xyz; // Convert Matrix to XYZ
wks.addcol(); // Add Z column
csetvalue col:=col(4) formula:="ZHeight"; // Set Value from Numeric Extracted from Matrix Long Name
//Append converted worksheets into one
string strPWKB$ = page.name$; // Let Current Workbook as Parent Workbook
string strPWKS$ = wks.name$; // Remember Current Worksheet for Appending Other Sheets
doc -e W
string strTempWKB$ = page.name$; // Book Short Name of Current Workbook
if (strTempWKB$ != strPWKB$) // If not Parent Workbook, Start Appending
wAppend irng:=([%(strPWKB$)]1!, [%(strTempWKB$)]1!) method:=row ow:=[%(strPWKB$)]1!; // Appending
win -c %(strTempWKB$); // Delete Appended Worksheets
dataset sps = {4,1};
dataset sodr = {1,1};
wsort nestcols:=sps order:=sodr; // Sort Appened Worksheets by Z (Height)
colmove rng:=col(4) operation:=left; // Move Z column to be 3rd Column
page.longname$= "XYZI Table";
page.title=1; // Naming
Normalize a Matrix
Internally, Origin'x matrices are one dimensional vector-like arrays. Therefore mathematical operations performed are them are similar to those of vectors rather than true matrices.
// Create a matrix
newbook mat:=1;
mdim cols:=10 rows:=10;
msetvalue formula:="rnd()";
// Normalize it to [0, 1]
vnormalize ix:=mat(1) method:=range ox:=<input>;