2.8.28 sph2cart

Brief Information

Convert spherical coordinates to Cartesian

Additional Information

Minimum Origin Version Required:9.1 SR0

Command Line Usage

1. sph2cart format:=virmat iw:=[Book1]Sheet1! omx:=<new>!<new> omy:=<same>!<new> omz:=<same>!<new>;//Convert the virtual matrix data in Book1 Sheet1 and output the three matrix objects for X Y Z to the same matrix sheet.

2. sph2cart ir:=[Book1]Sheet1!(A,B,C)[1:3] unit:=1 oz:=<new>!(<new>,<new>,<new>);//Convert the XYZ worksheet column data and output the resulting XYZ data to a new worksheet as XYZ columns.

3. sph2cart format:=mats ima:=[MBook1]MSheet1!1 ime:=[MBook2]MSheet1!1 imr:=[MBook3]MSheet1!1;//Convert three matrix objects in different matrix books and output three matrix books for converted X, Y and Z data.

X-Function Execution Options

Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script


Data Format format



Specify the input data format. The input is presumed to use a spherical coordinate system.

Option list:

  • xyz:XYZ{0}
    Specify input data format as three columns in worksheet with plot designations of XYZ.
  • virmat:Virtual matrix{1}
    Specify input data format as virtual matrix.
  • mat:Matrix object{2}
    Specify input data format as one matrix object.
  • mats:Three matrices in a layer{3}
    Specify input data format as three matrix objects. The three matrix objects need to have the same dimensions.
Input ir



This variable is only valid when the format variable is set to xyz. It is used to specify the input XYZ data range.
Azimuth ima



This variable is only valid when the format variable is set to mats. It is used to specify the input matrix object for Azimuth data.
Elevation ime



This variable is only valid when the format variable is set to mats. It is used to specify the input matrix object for Elevation data.
Radius imr



This variable is valid when the format variable is set to mat or mats. If the format was mat, this variable specifies the input matrix object. If the format was mats, it then specifies the input matrix object for the Radius data.
Input iw



This variable is only valid when the format variable is set to virmat. It is used to specify the worksheet range of the virtual matrix.
Angle Data angle



This variable is only valid when the format variable is set to virmat or mat. It specifies how the Azimuth and Elevation values are considered to be arranged in the source data.

Option list:

  • 0:Azimuth Across Columns
    If the format is virmat, use a row as Azimuth values and the first data column as Elevation values. The row for Azimuth value can be specified by the Azimuth Values in variable.
    If the format is mat, use the X values of the matrix as Azimuth values, and Y values as Elevation values.
  • 1:Elevation Across Columns
    If the format is virmat, use a row as Elevation values and the first data column as Azimuth values. The row for Elevation value can be specified by the Elevation Values in variable.
    If the format is mat, use the X values of the matrix as Elevation values, and Y values as Azimuth values.
Azimuth Values in alabel



This variable is only valid when the angle variable is set to 0(Azimuth Across Columns). It specifies the data source of Azimuth values.

Option list:

  • first:First Data Row{0}
    Use the first data row in input worksheet as Azimuth values.
  • second:Column Label{1}
    Use the values in a column label row as Azimuth values. The column label row can be specified by the param variable.
Elevation Values in elabel




This variable is only valid when the angle variable is set to 1(Elevation Across Columns). It specifies the data source of Elevation values.

Option list:

  • first:First Data Row{0}
    Use the first data row in input worksheet as Elevation values.
  • second:Column Label{1}
    Use the values in a column label row as Elevation values. The column label row can be specified by the param variable.
Column Label param



This variable is only valid when the alabel or elabel variable is set to second or 1 (Column Label). It specifies the column label row to be used as Azimuth or Elevation data.

Option list:

  • longname:Long Name{0}
    Use the values in Long Name row as Azimuth/Elevation data.
  • units:Units{1}
    Use the values in Units row as Azimuth/Elevation data.
  • comments:Comments{2}
    Use the values in Comments row as Azimuth/Elevation data.
Angular Unit unit



This variable specifies the Azimuth unit for input data.

Option list:

  • 0:Radian
    The input data is expressed in Radians.
  • 1:Degree
    The input data is expressed in Degrees.
X omx



This variable is valid when the format variable is NOT set to XYZ. It specifies where to output the converted X value. The converted X value will be the Z value in this output matrix object.
Y omy



This variable is valid when the format variable is NOT set to XYZ. It specifies where to output the converted Y value. The converted Y value will be the Z value in this output matrix object.
Z omz



This variable is valid when the format variable is NOT set to XYZ. It specifies where to output the converted Z value. The converted Z value will be the Z value in this output matrix object.
Output oz



This variable is only valid when the format variable is set to XYZ. It specifies the worksheet range to output the converted XYZ data.


This tool is used to convert data in spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates. The input data can be XYZ worksheet columns, a virtual matrix, one matrix object, or three matrix objects with the same dimensions.

You can run the following command in the Script Window or Command Window to bring up the GUI dialog box for this tool:

sph2cart -d;

Sph2cart dialog.png


The spherical coordinates are defined by \left (r, \theta, \phi \right ), in which r is the radius (the distance between the origin and the data point), \phi is the elevation (the angular displacement of the data point from the XY plane, expressed in Radians) and \theta is the azimuth (the angular displacement of the data point from the X axis in the positive direction, i.e. X > 0, expressed in Radians). The image below illustrates how each of the three variables is defined:

Spherical CS 01.png

The source data for azimuth, elevation and radius vary by input data format:

Input Data Format Azimuth Elevation Radius
XYZ X column Y column Z column
Virtual Matrix/One Matrix Object X value of the virtual matrix/matrix object Y value of the virtual matrix/matrix object Z value of the virtual matrix/matrix object
Three Matrix Objects Z value in the matrix object which is selected for Azimuth Z value in the matrix object which is selected for Elevation Z value in the matrix object which is selected for Radius

Input data are converted from spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates, using the following:

x = r \ast cos\left ( \phi  \right ) \ast cos \left ( \theta  \right );

y = r \ast cos\left ( \phi  \right ) \ast sin \left ( \theta  \right );

z = r \ast sin\left ( \phi  \right )