Statistics: Survival Analysis: Cox Model Estimator
Perform a Cox Proportional Hazards Model analysis
This feature is for OriginPro only.
1. phm_Cox irng:=(1,2,3,4) censor:=0
2. phm_Cox irng:=(1,2,3,4) censor:=0 cov:=1
3. phm_Cox irng:=(1,2,3,4) censor:=0 corr:=1
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
Specify data range for analysis, including time data range, censor data range and covariate data range.
Time data range
Specify time data column
Censor data range
Specify censor data column
Covariate data range
Specify covariate data column
Specify the censor subject value, which identifies which time values in the observation data set are censored.
Check box for output the summary of event and censored value result.
Specify whether output the covariance matrix or not.
Specify whether output the correlation matrix or not.
Specify whether output the survival curve or not.
Specify whether output the hazard curve or not.
Specify the survival function data destination
Specify the report worksheet destination
For more information,please refer to our User Guide.
kaplanmeier, weibullfit