Details of TreeNodes in Export Graph

tr (Export Settings)

The tr(Export Settings) tree specifies export settings for the expGraph X-Function.

Syntax: tr.Treenode:=<value>

Example: tr.Margin:=1

Treenode Label Type Default Description
SpeedMode Use Current Speed Mode Display for Export int 0 Specifies whether to use current speed mode display for export when speed mode is on in the original graph or Graph Theme is set to Speed Mode On.
  • 0: Apply Page Setting
    Use the current page speed mode setting for exported graph. The speed mode page setting can be specified on Miscellaneous tab of Plot Details dialog box.
  • 1: On
    Apply speed mode on exported graph.
  • 2: Off
    Apply no speed mode on exported graph even though speed mode applys to the graph inside Origin.
Margin Margin Control int -2 Specify the margin of the graph page. Options include:
  • -2:Auto
    Export the graph using the Preference: Options > Page tab Copy Page settings, plus any adjustment made using the Export Margin Offsets dialog box.
  • 0:Border
    Exports the graph within the bounding box plus adds the border that is specified in the Clip Border Width combo box.
  • 1:Tight
    Export the graph within the bounding box.
  • 2:Page
    export the graph in the graph window.
  • 3:Tight in Page
    Export the graph with a tight rectangle around the objects that are in the Page rectangle
BorderWid Clip Border Width int -1

This is only available when Border is selected for the Margin Control. It specified the border width to be clipped.

3D OpenGL

This branch is used to specify the anti-aliasing type when exporting OpenGL based 3D plot. Anti-aliasing improves image quality of exported graph. This setting is also controlled in the 3D openGL Settings dialog.

It is also possible to control this by defining the corresponding variable in the expGraph X-Function for 3D openGL graphs, the syntax is tr.OpenGLGraph.AntiAlias:=<value>.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
AntiAlias Antialiasing int 1 Specifies the type of anti-aliasing.
  • 0: No anti-aliasing
  • 1: Multi-samples anti-aliasing
    This gives the best quality of anti-aliasing, but the speed will be relevantly slower.
  • 2: Fast approximate anti-aliasing
    This gives faster speed than multi-samples anti-aliasing but the quality may not be as good.


The Advanced branch of the tr tree specifies some advanced export settings for the expGraph X-Function. It is only available when a vector format is selected for Image Type. It is used for specifying the resolution or size for the symbols, columns, bars, objects etc. in the page, which will fix the problems such as skewed or stretched symbols, improperly sized columns or bars, and text label spacing when exporting to a vector file. The settings here are similar to the settings in Preference: Options: Page. For more information, please refer to the help for that.

Syntax: tr.Advanced.Treenode:= <value>

// Specify the resolution of the exported image:

Treenode Label Type Default Description
Resolution Set Resolution/Keep Size int 0 Specifies to use which way to export the graph.
  • 0: Set Resolution
    Allow you to specify the resolution for the symbols, bars and other raster objects with the value in the Resolution combo-box.
  • 1: Keep Size
    Allow you to specify the size of the exported graph, which is set in the tr1(Image Size).
DPI Resolution Double 300 This is only available when Set Resolution is selected. Use it to specify the resolution of the symbols, bars and other raster objects on the graph.

tr1 (Image Size)

The tr1(Image Size) tree specifies the sizes for the exported images.

Syntax: tr1.Treenode:=<value>

Example: tr1.Unit:=0 // Specify the exported size in inch

Treenode Label Type Default Description
ActualSize Original Page Size int Display the original physical dimensions of the original page. This is read-only.
CurrentSize Current Size int Display the current physical dimensions of the exported image. It is available only when Specify Size in is set to Page Ratio. This is read-only.
Unit Specify Size in int 0 Specify the unit for setting the size of the exported image.
  • 0: inch
    use inch as unit
  • 1: cm
    use cm as unit
  • 2: pixel
    use pixel as unit
  • 3: page ratio
    use page ratio to set the size of the exported graph
Rescaling Rescaling int 0 The graph can be rescaled before it is exported. But the aspect ratio will not be changed during rescaling.
  • 0: Width
    Select width for rescaling
  • 1: Height
    Select height for rescaling
Width Fit Width double 0 This is editable only when Width is selected for Rescaling. You can specify a desired width for the exported image. Then the height will be automatically calculated and displayed in the Fit Height textbox.
Height Fit Height double 0 This is editable only when Height is selected for Rescaling. You can specify a desired height for the exported image. Then the width will be automatically calculated and displayed in the Fit Width textbox.
Width Ratio(%) double 0 This is only available when Page Ratio is selected for Specify Size In. Use this textbox to specify a desire ratio with respect to the original page size.
PixelSize Pixel Size int 0 This is only shown when a raster format is selected for Image Type, because a vector image is "resolution independent". The pixel size is calculated by multiplying the actual size of the exported image (in inch) by the image resolution (DPI).

tr2 (Image Settings)

tr2 (Image Settings) provides a group of settings which can be used to set the properties of the exported image.

Syntax: tr2.SubTree.Treenode:=<value>
Example: tr2.BMP.dotsperinch:=300;


The AI branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as AI.

Syntax: tr2.AI.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.AI.profile:=0 // Use the AI profile

Treenode Label Type Default Description
profile Profile int 0 Specifies the profile to use.
  • 0: Standard Options-AI
    AI profile
  • 1: Standard Options-EPF
    EPF profile
colortranslation Color Translation int 0 Specifies the color translation mode.
  • 0: Normal
    Normal mode
  • 1: Inverse
    Inverse colors
  • 2: Inverse Grays Only
    Only inverse gray colors
  • 3: Gray Scale
    Convert to gray scales graph
  • 4: Inverse Grays Scale
    Convert to gray scales and inverse
linemode Line Mode int 0 Specifies the line mode to use
  • 0: Device
    Use the device mode
  • 1: Stroked
    Use the stroked mode
background BackGround Rectangle int 0 Specifies whether to include background rectangle.
optimize Optimize for Color Printer int 0 Specifies whether to optimize for color printers.
aiformat Include AI Format int 1 Specifies whether to include AI format information.
aiversion AI Version int 0 Specifies the version with which the exported graph will be compatible. The available values are 3, 5, 6, and 7.


The TIFF branch of the tr2.ai tree specifies the TIFF Preview setting.

Syntax: tr2.ai.TIFF.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.ai.TIFF.format:=2 // Use 16 gray scales as the color level of the graph

Treenode Label Type Default Description
format Format int 0 Specifies the color level of the graph.
  • 0:Bi-Level
    Black and white only
  • 1: 8 Color
    8 colors
  • 2: 16 Gray
    16 gray scales
  • 3: 16 Color
    16 colors
  • 4: 256 Gray
    256 gray scales
  • 5: 256 Color
    256 colors
  • 6: 24 Bit RGB Color
    24-bit color
datacompression Data Compression string none Specifies the compression method.
  • None
    No compression
  • PackBits
    PackBits compression
  • Modified Huffman
    Modified Huffman compression
  • LZW
    LZW compression
resolution Resolution int 3 Specifies the resolution to use.
  • 0: Screen
    Use resolution of the screen
  • 1: Printer
    Use resolution of the printer
  • 2: Source
    Use resolution of the graph itself
  • 3: Manual
    Set resolution manually
length Length double 72 Specifies the height of the exported graph. It is only available when Resolution is set as Manual.
width Width double 72 Specifies the width of the exported graph. It is only available when Resolution is set as Manual.


The BMP branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as BMP.

Syntax: tr2.BMP.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.BMP.bitsperpixel:="24-bit Color" // Specifies the color-depth of the exported image

Treenode Label Type Default Description
dotsperinch DPI Resolution int 300 Specifies the resolution of the exported image. Options include 72, 96, 100, 150, 300, 600 and 1200.
bitsperpixel Color Depth string 256 Colors Specifies the color-depth of the exported image.
  • Monochrome
    Export the graph using black and white only.
  • 16 Colors
    Export the graph using 16 colors.
  • 256 Colors
    Export the graph using 256 colors.
  • 16-bit Color
    Export the graph using 16-bit color.
  • 24-bit Color
    Export the graph using 24-bit color.
  • 8-bit Gray Scale
    Export the graph using 256 gray scales.


The CGM branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as CGM.

Syntax: tr2.CGM.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.CGM.color:="Normal" // Specifies the color translation mode as normal.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
profiles Profiles string Standard Options(ANSI) Specifies the profile to use.
  • Standard Options(ANSI)
    Ansi CGM standard
  • ANSI CGM 3.0
    Ansi CGM version 3 functionality level
  • MIL-D-28003(CALS)
    CALS MIL-D-28003 profile.
  • MIL-D-28003A(CALS)
    CALS MIL-D-28003A profile, which supports CGM version 3 functionality level.
  • Lotus Freelance Plus(Ver. 3.01)
    Lotus Freelance Plus profile
  • Harvard Graphics(Ver. 2.3)
    Harvard Graphics profile
  • Inso GDSF(Ver. 1.0)
    Inso GDSF version 1.0
  • Inso GDSF(Ver. 2.0)
    Inso GDSF version 2.0
  • ApplauseII
    ApplauseII profile
  • CoreIDraw
    CoreIDraw profile
color Color Translation string Normal Specifies the color translation mode.
  • Normal
    Normal mode
  • Inverse
    Inverse colors
  • Inverse Grays Only
    Only inverse gray colors
  • Gray Scale
    Convert to gray scales graph
  • Inverse Grays Scale
    Convert to gray scales and inverse
line Line Mode string Device Specifies the line mode.
  • Device
    Use the device mode
  • Stroked
    Use the stroked mode


The DXF branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as DXF.

Syntax: tr2.DXF.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.DXF.color:="Normal" // Specifies the color translation mode as normal.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
profiles Profiles string Standard Options (Text DXF) Specifies the profiles to use.
  • Standard Options (Text DXF)
    Text DXF
  • Binary DXF
    Binary DXF
color Color Translation string Normal Specifies the color translation mode
  • Normal
    Normal mode
  • Inverse
    Inverse colors
  • Inverse Grays Only
    Only inverse gray colors
  • Gray Scale
    Convert to gray scales graph
  • Inverse Grays Scale
    Convert to gray scales and inverse
Units DXF File Units string Inches Specifies the units used in graphs, which can be Inch, Feet, Yards, Miles, MMeters, CMeters, or KMeters


The EPS branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as EPS.

Syntax: tr2.EPS.SubTree.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.EPS.PostScript.PSLevel:=3// Specifies the postscript level


The PostScript branch of the EPS tree specifies PostScript settings.

Syntax: tr2.EPS.PostScript.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.EPS.PostScript.PSLevel:=3// Specifies the postscript level

Treenode Label Type Default Description
PSLevel PostScript Level int 2 Specifies the postscript level, which can be 1, 2, or 3.
Format Data Format int 0 Specifies the data format.
  • 0: ASCII
    ASCII format
  • 1: Binary
    Binary format
Colors Color Format string RGB Specifies the color space.
  • RGB
    RGB mode broadly used in display
  • CMYK
    CMYK mode broadly used in print
DestRastOper Handling int 2 Specifies whether or not to perform raster format conversion and, if such conversion is performed, the method that is used.
  • 0: Ignore
    Do not convert raster format
  • 1: Source Copy
    Use source copy
  • 2: Individual Bitmaps
    User individual bitmaps
  • 3: Combine All Bitmaps
    Combine all bitmaps
DestRastOperRes Resolution int 150 Specifies the resolution that is used for the conversion, which can be 72, 96, 100, 150, 300, 600, or 1200


The Preview branch of the EPS tree specifies Preview settings.

Syntax: tr2.EPS.Preview.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.EPS.Preview.Preview:="None"// No preview

Treenode Label Type Default Description
Preview Preview string None Specifies the preview mode.
  • None
    No preview
  • TIFF
    TIFF preview
  • WMF
    WMF preview
Resolution Resolution int 1 Specifies the resolution level, which can be Low, Medium, or High.
  • 0: Low
    Low level
  • 1: Medium
    Medium level
  • 2: High
    High level
Compression Compression int 1 Specifies the compression method.
  • 0: None
    No compression
  • 1: PackBits
    PackBits compression
  • 2: LZW
    LZW compression


The Fonts branch of the EPS tree specifies Fonts settings.

Syntax: tr2.EPS.Fonts.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.EPS.Fonts.FontType:=1// Specifies the font type

Treenode Label Type Default Description
FontType Adobe Type int 1 Specifies the font type, which can be 1, 3, or 42.
Embed Embed int 2 Specifies the mode of font embedding.
  • 0: Use Substitution
    Substituet fonts
  • 1: Use Built-In Fonts
    Use built-in fonts
  • 2: Use Outline Fonts
    Use outline fonts
TrueType Always Use True Type int 0 Specifies whether true type fonts are always used.
VectorFontThickness Vector Thickness double 0 Defines the vector thickness, which can be 0.2, 0.5, 1, 1.5, or 2.


The SemiTrans branch of the EPS tree specifies settings for exporting the semi-transparent regions.

Syntax: tr2.EPS.SemiTrans.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.EPS.SemiTrans.SemiTransOpt:=0 // Draw the semi-transparent regions as opaque

Treenode Label Type Default Description
SemiTransOpt int 1 Specify how to export the semi-transparent areas of the graph to EPS. Options include:
  • 0: Draw as Opaque
    Draw the semi-transparent regions as opaque.
  • 1: Draw as Raster with Default Resolution
    Draw the semi-transparent regions as raster with default resolution.
  • 2: Draw as Raster
    Draw the semi-transparent regions as raster by specifying a resolution.
DestRastOperRes Resolution double 300 Specify the resolution when draw the semi-transparent regions as raster. In GUI, there values, 100, 150, and 300, can be seen in the drop-down list. It also allow typing other values for resolution. It is available when SemiTransOpt is 2.


The Compression branch of the EPS tree specifies whether to enable compression for raster.

Syntax: tr2.EPS.Compression.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.EPS.Compression.Enabled:=0 // Do not enable raster compression

Treenode Label Type Default Description
Enabled Enable int 1 Specify whether to enable raster compression.


The GIF branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as GIF.

Syntax: tr2.GIF.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.GIF.bitsperpixel:="24-bit Color" // Specifies the color depth of the exported image

Treenode Label Type Default Description
dotsperinch DPI Resolution int 300 Specifies the resolution for the exported image, which can be 72, 96, 100, 150, 300, 600, or 1200.
bitsperpixel Color Depth string 256 Colors Specifies the color depth.
  • Monochrome
    Export graph with only black and white
  • 16 Colors
    Export graph with 16 colors
  • 256 Colors
    Export graph with 256 colors
  • 8-bit Gray Scale
    Export graph with 256 gray scales


The JPG branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as JPG.

Syntax: tr2.JPG.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.JPG.dotsperinch:=300 // Specifies the resolution of the exported image

Treenode Label Type Default Description
dotsperinch DPI Resolution int 300 Specifies the resolution of the exported image, which can be 72, 96, 100, 150, 300, 600, or 1200.
bitsperpixel Color Depth string 24-bit Color Specifies the color-depth of the exported image.
  • 24-bit Color
    Export graph using 24-bit color
  • 8-bit Gray Scale
    Export graph with 256 gray scales
Compression Compression int 0 Defines the compression level, which is an integer between 0 and 255. The size of exported file decreases with the increase of compression level.


The PCX branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as PCX.

Syntax: tr2.PCX.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.PCX.dotsperinch:=300 // Specifies the resolution of the exported image

Treenode Label Type Default Description
dotsperinch DPI Resolution int 300 Specifies the resolution of the exported image, which can be 72, 100, 150, 300, 600, or 1200.
bitsperpixel Color Depth string 256 Colors Specifies the color-level of the exported image.
  • Monochrome
    Black and white only.
  • 16 Colors
    16 colors
  • 256 Colors
    256 colors
  • 24-bit Color
    24-bit color
  • 8-bit Gray Scale
    The exported image will be a gray image with 256 gray scales.


The PDF branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as PDF.

Syntax: tr2.PDF.SubTree.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.PDF.PDF.ColorTranslation:=3// Specifies the color translation mode.


The PDF branch of the PDF tree specifies basic settings.

Syntax: tr2.PDF.PDF.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.PDF.PDF.ColorTranslation:=3// Specifies the color translation mode.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
ColorTranslation Color Translation int 0 Specifies the color translation mode.
  • 0: Normal
    Normal mode
  • 1: Inverse
    Inverse colors
  • 2: Inverse Grays Only
    Only inverse gray colors
  • 3: Gray Scale
    Convert to gray scales graph
  • 4: Inverse Grays Scale
    Convert to gray scales and inverse
LineMode Line Mode int 0 Specifies the line mode.
  • 0: Device
    Use the device mode
  • 1: Stroked
    Use the stroked mode
FillMode Fill Mode int 0 Specifies the fill mode to use when the graph is exported.
  • 0: Device
    Use the device mode
  • 1: Stroked
    Use the stroked mode
BackGround BackGround Rectangle int 0 Specifies whether to include the background rectangle.
DestRastOper Handling int 2 Specifies whether or not to perform raster format conversion and, if such conversion is performed, the method that is used.
  • 0: Ignore
    Do not convert raster format
  • 1: Source Copy
    Use source copy
  • 2: Individual Bitmaps
    User individual bitmaps
  • 3: Combine All Bitmaps
    Combine all bitmaps
DestRastOperRes Resolution int 72 Specifies the resolution that is used for the conversion, which can be 72, 96, 100, 150, 300, or 600.
AppendStringsToMetadata Add Text to Metadata int 0 Specifies whether to add all the text to the metadata which gets added near the end of the PDF file. Once this check box checked, the added text will be saved as UTF-8 format, then you can be able to search these text by Ctrl+Shift+F in Adobe Reader.

Please note, this variable does not work for 3D graphs.

Compression tree

The Compression branch of the PDF tree specifies compression settings.

Syntax: tr2.PDF.Compression.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.PDF.Compression.ClrImageCompression:=1// Specifies the color compression mode.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
ClrImageCompression Color Images int 6 Specifies the color compression mode.
  • 0: None
    No compression
  • 1: JPEG High
    Use JPEG High compression.
  • 2: JPEG High-Medium
    Use JPEG High-Medium compression.
  • 3: JPEG Medium
    Use JPEG Medium compression.
  • 4: JPEG Medium-Low
    Use JPEG Medium-Low compression.
  • 5: JPEG Low
    Use JPEG Low compression.
  • 6: Flate
    Use flate compression
MnImageCompression Monochrome Images int 4 Specifies the monochrome compression mode.
  • 0: None
    No compression
  • 1: CCITT Group 3
    Compatible with CCITT Group 3
  • 2: CCITT Group 4
    Compatible with CCITT Group 4
  • 3: Run-Length Encoded
    Use run-length encoding method
  • 4: Flate
    Flate compression
TextCompression Graphics and Text int 1 Specifies the text compression mode.
  • 0: None
    No compression
  • 1: Flate
    Flate compression
ASCIIEncoding ASCII Encoding int 0 Specifies whether to use ASCII encoding.


The Fonts branch of the PDF tree specifies Fonts settings.

Syntax: tr2.PDF.Fonts.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.PDF.Fonts.Embed:=1// Specifies the font embedding mode.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
Embed Embed int 0 Specifies the font embedding mode.
  • 0: Descriptor Only
    Only contain descriptor.
  • 1: Embedded
    Embed fonts in graph.
  • 2: Outline
    Use outline fonts.
OutLineMode OutLine Mode int 0 Specifies the outline mode, which can be Compact or Adobe Type 3.
StrokeWidth Stroke Width int 2 Specifies the stroke width for the fonts, which can be Thin, Normal, Semi-Bold, or Bold.
FontSubstitution Font Substitution int 0 Specifies whether to perform font substitution.
TrueType Use True Type int 0 Specifies whether to use true type fonts


The PNG branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as PNG.

Syntax: tr2.PNG.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.PNG.dotsperinch:=300 // Specifies the resolution of the exported image

Treenode Label Type Default Description
dotsperinch DPI Resolution int 300 Specifies the resolution of the exported image. Options include 72, 100, 150, 300, 600 and 1200.
bitsperpixel Color Depth string 256 Colors Specifies the color-depth of the exported image.
  • Monochrome
    Export the graph with only black and white.
  • 16 Colors
    Export the graph with 16 colors.
  • 256 Colors
    Export the graph with 256 colors.
  • 24-bit Color
    Export the graph using 24-bit color.
  • 8-bit Gray Scale
    Export the graph using 256 gray scales.


The PSD branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as PSD.

Syntax: tr2.PSD.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.PSD.dotsperinch:=300 // Specifies the resolution of the exported image

Treenode Label Type Default Description
dotsperinch DPI Resolution int 300 Specifies the resolution of the exported image. Options include 72, 100, 150, 300, 600 and 1200.
bitsperpixel Color Depth string 256 Colors Specifies the color-depth of the exported image
  • Monochrome
    Export the graph using black and white only.
  • 256 Colors
    Export the graph using 256 colors.
  • 24-bit Color
    Export the graph using 24-bit color.
  • 8-bit Gray Scale
    Export the graph using 256 gray scales.


The TIF branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as TIF.

Syntax: tr2.TIF.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.TIF.dotsperinch:=300 // Specifies the resolution of the exported image

Treenode Label Type Default Description
dotsperinch DPI Resolution int 300 Specifies the resolution of the exported image. Options include 72, 96, 100, 150, 300, 600 and 1200.
ColorSpace Color Space string RGB Specifies the color space to use when the graphs are exported.
  • RGB
    This color space is used widely in display. It uses red, green, and blue as primary colors.
  • CMYK
    This color space is used widely in printing. It uses cyan, magenta, yellow, and black as primary colors.
  • YCbCr
    This color space is used widely in video and digital photography systems. In this color space, Y is the luma component, while Cb and Cr are blue and red chroma components.
bitsperpixel Color Depth string 256 Colors Specifies the color-depth of the exported image.
  • Monochrome
    Export the graph using black and white only.
  • 16 Colors
    Export the graph using 16 colors.
  • 256 Colors
    Export the graph using 256 colors.
  • 24-bit Color
    Export the graph using 24-bit color.
  • 8-bit Gray Scale
    Export the graph using 256 gray scales.
Compression Compression string None Specifies the compression method.
  • None
    No compression
  • PackBits
    PackBits compression
  • LZW
    LZW compression


The TGA branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as TGA.

Syntax: tr2.TGA.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.TGA.dotsperinch:=300 // Specifies the resolution of the exported image

Treenode Label Type Default Description
dotsperinch DPI Resolution int 300 Specifies the resolution of the exported image. Options include 72, 100, 150, 300, 600 and 1200.
bitsperpixel Color Depth string 256 Colors Specifies the color-depth of the exported image.
  • 256 Colors
    Export the graph using 256 colors.
  • 16-bit Color
    Export the graph using 16-bit color.
  • 24-bit Color
    Export the graph using 24-bit color.
  • 8-bit Gray Scale
    Export the graph using 256 gray scales.


The WMF branch of the tr2 tree specifies the exporting setting when the image type of the exported image is selected as WMF.

Syntax: tr2.WMF.Treenode:= <value>

Example: tr2.WMF.Placeable:=1 // Use the placeable format.

Treenode Label Type Default Description
Placeable Placeable int 1 Specifies whether to use the placeable format.