6.17.1 2D Waterfall

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Origin's Waterfall plot uses a dataset stored in a parameter row to set the Z offset and create a color map with Y or Z values.

What you will learn

This tutorial will demonstrate how to:

  • Create a 2D Waterfall color map with Y or Z values
  • Customize colormap levels and palette


Create Waterfall with Y Colormap

  1. Open the sample project "Waterfall Plots - Waterfall with Y Colormap" under category "Waterfall" in Learning Center(pressing F1 to open it).
    Waterfall Graph 00.png
  2. Select the Waterfall with Y Colormap window to activate it. Click in the upper left corner of the worksheet to select all data.
  3. Right-click and select Plot > 3D : Y Color Mapped 3D Waterfall to create a Waterfall with Y color mapping. (Alternatively, select the Y Color Mapped Waterfall button from the 2D Graphs toolbar.) A graph resembling the image below will appear:
    Waterfall Graph 01.png
    Note that the values stored in the user-defined parameter row Frequency (Hz) have been automatically picked up as Z Value Source. Confirm this by double-clicking the plot to open the Plot Details dialog box and selecting Layer1 in the left panel. Select the Miscellaneous tab and observe that the Z Value Source is set to Frequency (Hz).
    Waterfall Graph 02.png
  4. With the Plot Details dialog box still open, in the left panel, select the first line plot under Layer1. Select the Colormap tab in the right panel. Click on the Level… column header to open the Set Levels dialog box. Set levels as shown below:
    Waterfall Graph 03.png
    Click OK to close the Set Levels dialog box.
  5. Click on the Fill… column header to open the Fill dialog box. Select Load Palette, and choose the Rainbow palette from the palette list. Click OK button to close the Fill dialog box.
    Waterfall Graph 04.png
    Click OK to apply these settings and close the Plot Details dialog box.
  6. Click on Z axis, on the popup mini toolbar, click button Axis Scale to open the Axis Scale dialog box. Set From, Toand Increment as below.
    Waterfall Graph 05.png
  7. Click Y axes, on the popup mini toolbar, click button Show Opposite Axis to show the Y axis on the other side.
    Waterfall Graph 06.png
    Click OK to apply changes and close the dialog box. The final graph should look like this:
    Waterfall Graph 07.png

Create Waterfall with Z Colormap

  1. Open the sample project "Waterfall Plots - Waterfall with Z Colormap" under category "Waterfall" in Learning Center(pressing F1 to open it).
    Waterfall Graph 08a.png
  2. Select the Waterfall with Z Colormap window to activate. Click in the upper left corner of the worksheet to select all data.
  3. On the main menu, click Plot, then point to 3D, and then select Z Color Mapped 3D Waterfall to create a Waterfall with Z color mapping. (Alternatively, select the Z Color Mapped Waterfall button from the 2D Graphs toolbar.)
    Waterfall Graph 08.png
  4. Double-click the plot to open the Plot Details dialog box. In the left panel, select the first line plot under Layer1. Select the Colormap tab in the right panel. Click the Level… column header to open the Set Levels dialog box. Set Major Levels to 10.
    Waterfall Graph 09.png
    Click OK to close the Set Levels dialog box.
  5. Click the Fill… column header to open the Fill dialog box. Select Limited Mixing and set the From color to red and the To color to blue. Click OK to apply these settings and close the dialog box. Click OK to close the Plot Details dialog box.
    Waterfall Graph 10.png
  6. Click on Z axis, on the popup mini toolbar, click button Axis Scale to open the Axis Scale dialog box. Set From, Toand Increment as below.
    Waterfall Graph 10a.png
  7. Click Y axes, on the popup mini toolbar, click button Show Opposite Axis to show the Y axis on the other side.
    Waterfall Graph 10b.png
    Your final graph should look like this:
    Waterfall Graph 11.png