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Flood Impact on the Morphology of Channels Abandoned by Rivers

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The study area is a river dead-zone located at the confluence between the main channel and a cut-off meander. Water velocities measured by acoustic Doppler current profiler (aDcp) during a flood were interpolated and depth-averaged.

The superposition of the velocity vectors and the bed elevation contours outlines the relationship between the recirculating flow and the river morphology.

The depth elevation model was imported into a matrix in Origin and plotted as a 'Contour Color Fill' plot. Flow velocities were externally processed and then imported into a worksheet in Origin and plotted as a 'Vector XYAM' plot.

Both plots were then merged and superimposed.

Jérôme Le Coz is a PhD student in fluvial hydraulics and sediment transport. He is studying the impact of floods on the morphology of channels abandoned by rivers.

Jérôme Le Coz
Hydrology-Hydraulics Research Unit
Lyon, France

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