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OriginLab Corporation - Data Analysis and Graphing Software - 2D graphs, 3D graphs, Contour Plots, Statistical Charts, Data Exploration, Statistics, Curve Fitting, Signal Processing, and Peak Analysis      

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Contact: Holly Klin, Marketing Coordinator
Joe Przechocki, Product Marketing Manager
U.S. and Canada: 1-413-586-2013
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OriginLab® introduces a new set of LabVIEW Sub-VI libraries to facilitate communication with Origin from a native LabVIEW environment

The new sub-VI library is rated as “Compatible with LabVIEW” by National Instruments. This addition is part of other significant enhancements in the SR4 Service Release for Origin 8

NORTHAMPTON, MA (October 16, 2008) – OriginLab Corporation, a leading provider of scientific graphing and data analysis software, announces the release of a new set of LabVIEW Sub-VI libraries for their Origin 8 product line. The Sub-VIs will enable LabVIEW users to seamlessly tap into the graphing and analysis power of Origin 8 from a native LabVIEW environment.

“These new Origin Sub-VIs take full advantage of the greatly expanded COM support in Origin 8. Using Origin from LabVIEW is now much easier than before,” said Dr. C.P. Yang, Founder and President, OriginLab.  “LabVIEW users can now take full advantage of the Analysis Template and Custom Report functionality of Origin, allowing them to perform analysis of acquired data on the fly, and final reports such as from curve fitting. All they need to do is incorporate these Origin Sub-VIs into their existing VIs they are already using to collect data. Instrument vendors can also use this functionality by shipping customized VIs with their equipment, to directly push data into Origin 8”.

The new library is part of the latest SR4 service release for Origin 8. This latest service release also introduces significant enhancements in the areas of data analysis and graphing, further solidifying Origin 8 as the ideal data analysis and graphing workspace for scientists and engineers.

About OriginLab

OriginLab publishes graphing and data analysis software. Our products provide a comprehensive solution for scientists and engineers who need to analyze, graph, and professionally present data. We have two offices in Massachusetts; our corporate headquarters is located in Northampton and our development office is located in Wellesley Hills.

Our main product, Origin, has been growing in popularity among scientists and engineers as a serious data analysis and graphing software since 1991. Today, with over 100,000 licenses worldwide, Origin is used in hundreds of large corporations and around a thousand colleges and universities worldwide. We remain committed to our mission of making Origin the best scientific graphing software and data analysis software. Along with its easy-to-use graphical interface, Origin offers intuitive, yet powerful, research tools for the daily needs of the researcher. Origin has been designed so that you can start using it right out of the box, yet its wide range of advanced features will provide for your growing needs.

Origin is available in many different forms ranging from a single user package to an institution or company-wide site license. In multiple-copy licenses, Origin includes concurrent license management, allowing you to install the software on as many computers as you need. Origin can also be applied as an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) solution for instrument manufacturers.  For more information on OriginLab’s other products, visit our web site at:

Evaluation Copy

For more information on receiving an evaluation copy, press agents may contact contact Holly Klin.

Origin is a registered trademark of OriginLab Corporation.
NAG is a registered trademark of Numerical Algorithms Group.
LabVIEW is a trademark of National Instruments Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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