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OriginLab Corporation - Data Analysis and Graphing Software - 2D graphs, 3D graphs, Contour Plots, Statistical Charts, Data Exploration, Statistics, Curve Fitting, Signal Processing, and Peak Analysis      

Meet the Instructors:

Kaushik Bhaganagarapu

Kaushik Bhaganagarapu


Hearne Scientific Software, Melbourne Australia


BSc in Science (with 1st class honours). Currently doing PhD in Neuroimaging. Both at The University of Melbourne, Australia.

Teaching Experience

Kaushik conducts training for some of Hearne's key Engineering, Mathematical and Statistical products with many years of on-site training experience. He has taught courses at commercial and academic sites to a wide range of users throughout Australia.

Origin Experience

Kaushik is currently the sole certified trainer for Origin in the Oceania region. After finishing his honours degree in applied mathematics, Kaushik joined Hearne Scientific Software in 2007 as an account manager for their Mathematical and Statistical products. He is currently the head of the Scientific Training team at Hearne, where he trains in Origin. In addition to training in Origin, he regularly conducts Webinars for Origin.

Language Fluency



Neuroimaging, Data analysis, Mathematical Modelling, community service, sports (cricket and tennis)


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