Snap Windows

Version: 2022b

Type: Features

Category: Miscellaneous


Jira: ORG-22142

Window: Snap Windows (Ctrl+F12) menu to turn on/off this feature.

When it’s on, user can drag window to snap it or if windows are tiled or arranged in workspace, it will snap windows in same row/column.


  1. To snap window to 1/4 or 1/2 of workspace, drag window to border of workspace.

    1. Drag it close to upper border but more to left side, it will snap to the upper-left quarter of space.

    2. Drag it to upper border but the middle part, it will snap to top half of space.

    3. Drag it to upper border but more to the right side, it will snap to the upper-right quarter of the space.

    4. Same applies to left, bottom, right border of workspace to snap to half of space.

  2. To split a snapped window space A with another window B

    1. Drag window B to left side within window A, window A space will be split by B on the left

    2. Drag window B to right side within window A, window A space will be split with B on the right.

    3. Same applies to drag to upper/bottom side within window A.

  3. To switch two window location, press Alt key when dragging.

  4. To put window B to cover window A, drag window B to title bar of window A.

  5. To snap a window to empty space, press Shift key when dragging.

  6. If multiple windows share same border, e.g. after using Tile Vertically, Tile Horizontally or Arrange Windows, mouse over edge of one window will show green border for windows of same column/row. Drag it will resize all of them. To resize only one window, press Shift key and then mouse over to edge of the window to resize.