Origin 2024b Features


Add “More Apps” menu to list important/popular apps

In Object Manager, add Collapse All Siblings, Expand All Siblings in context menu of layer level, click it will collapse/expand all siblings

Drag a rectangle in graph will show Mini Toolbar.

Copy Data to copy all data in rectangle as multiple columns

Copy Data as One Set to copy all data in rectangle as one XY column

Support snapping to minor tick and 1/2 minor tick

Support drag and change scale with reverse X/Y

Add a icon in Object Manager to toggle plot and object

Blue dot shows next to folder that has folder notes in PE

Add Notes for graph window

Set system variable @HPT to 1 to hide opju file path in Origin workspace title bar

Light gray dark theme is added when dark mode is on

In Origin2024, Dark mode unsupported message shows in Message Log window only and thus it is easily omitted.

In Origin2024b, Dark mode unsupported message shows in a popping up message box.

Turn on LZ4 Compression checkbox by default in package manager dialog

Redo support and improved Undo support in more places

Object Manager show exactly what’s in legend

Change Command Window and Results Log to be scintilla based so that it’s easier to change display font size

Origin 2024b Bug Fixes



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