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Perform profiling on ternary contour plot.

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  • Purpose
    This tool can be used to calculate the profiling data for ternary contour plot, including lines paralleling to X/Y/Z axis, and arbitrary lines.

  • Installation
    Download the file Ternary Contour Profile.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.

  • Operation
    With a ternary contour graph activated, click the app icon from the Apps gallery window. Then a dialog with preview will pop up, then you can add line (parallel to X/Y/Z, and arbitrary) to calculating profiling data, for each line, you can change the settings accordingly, then click OK button to get the profiling results.

  • Dialog Settings

    • Profile Line: This is used to specify what profiling line to add, including line parallel to X/Y/Z and arbitrary line. Click the + button, the line is added for profiling, the the line type is dependent on which radio is selected.

    • Number of Points for Profile Line: Specify the number of profiling data points for each profiling. By default it is -1, which will make the point the same with the number of points across by the line.

    • Profile Line Parallel to X/Y/Z Axis: Frame box for settings of lines parallel to X/Y/Z respectivelly.

      • Current Profile: All profile lines parallel to X/Y/Z are listed, and the settings changed are only for the current selected one. The Rename button is used to change the profile name, and you can also click the Dup button to duplicate current profile, and the Del button will delete the current profile.

      • Color: Set color of the current profile. You can click the color square to change the color in the pop-up dialog.

      • Y/Z/X: The position of the profile line. For parallel to X axis, it is Y value, and parallel to Y axis, Z value, and parallel to Z axis, X value. respectively.

    • Arbitrary Profile Line: Frame box for settings of arbitrary lines.

      • Current Profile: All arbitrary profile lines are listed, and the settings changed are only for the current selected one. The Rename button is used to change the profile name, and you can also click the Dup button to duplicate current profile, and the Del button will delete the current profile.

      • Color: Set color of the current profile. You can click the color square to change the color in the pop-up dialog.

      • X1/Y1/X2/Y2: The position of the profile line, by specifying two end points of that line.

    • Separate Contour and Profile: If checked this checkbox, the output results will separate the contour plot and profiling plot in different graph. Otherwise, the contour plot and profiling plot are merged in the same graph with different layers as the preview shows.

    • Preview: The preview graph is shown on the right panel of the dialog. In the left part of the preview graph, it is the ternary contour plot, together with the added profile lines. and you can move the line and change length (this is for arbitrary line) of the line for the profiling calculation. And in the right part of the preview graph, it is the plots for the profiling data. For the line parallel to X/Y/Z, there is only one plot for each line, but there are 3 plot for arbitrary line, including all 3 axes (XYZ).

    • OK and Cancel Buttons: Click OK button to output the profile results and close dialog, and click Cancel button to close the dialog only.


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