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Group data according to periodic date/time range using specified statistical value.

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  • Purpose
    This app is capable of grouping data according to periodic date/time range using specified statistical value.
  • Installation
    Download the file "Periodic Report.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.
  • Operation
    With a worksheet window activated, click the app icon to bring up the dialog.
    1. Choose Input columns for grouping, and date/time column for periodic calculation.
    2. Select how to merge the input columns, including 1st point, last point, mean, sd, mean and sd, min, max, sum, and count.
    3. Change a start and end date/time accordingly, leave them Auto if you want to cover all the data.
    4. Consider the period for grouping you want, including second, minute, hour, day, month, quarter and year.
    5. For day period, you can also specify how many days as a period.
    6. If you have included prior periods, the result will not be merged for the same period in different "parent". For example, the period you choose is month, if not include prior periods, then all data in each month, Jan. for example, will be merged, but it does not care about the years. If include prior periods, Jan.'s data is merged by year, but not all years together.
    7. If there are some other columns need specific consideration, you can include other columns to handle them.
    8. Specify where to output the result, and then click OK button.
  • Dialog Settings
    1. Input: Input columns for merging.
    2. Date/Time Column: Specify date/time column for period calculation.
    3. Merge Input by: Specify how to merge input data, options include 1st Point, Last Point, Mean, SD, Mean and SD, Min, Max, Sum, and Count.
    4. Start: Start date/time. If Auto, the first date/time of data is used.
    5. End: End date/time. If Auto, the last date/time of data is used.
    6. Periods: Specify what period to use, including Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Month, Quarter and Year. Note, if Date/time Column is time column, Month, Quarter and Year are not available.
    7. Interval: This is for Day period only. Specify how many days as one period.
    8. Including Prior Periods: Check to include prior periods. See 6 in Operation section for more details about how it works.
    9. Include Other Columns: Check it to handle other specific columns.
    10. Other Columns: Specify other columns for merging.
    11. Merge by: Specify how to merge the other columns, options include 1st Point and Last Point.
    12. Output: Specify where to output the result data.


v1.1 4/25/2023 Updated to make it compatible with Origin 2023b.

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