- Purpose
This app can be used to perform short-time Fourier transform with the window size fixed in the frequency domain, that is to use the concept of the short-time Fourier transform, but fix the window size in the frequency domain instead of in the time domain.
- Features Include:
- Specify sampling interval or get sampling interval from X automatically.
- Mutiple types of windows are supported, including Rectangle, Welch, Triangular, Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Gaussian, Kaiser and Parzen.
- Estimate the maximum frequency and number of frequencies.
- Estimate the required number of operations and output matrix size automatically.
- Multiple threads technology is used for improving the speed.
- Output both the result data and contour plot.
- Installation
Download the file "Modified Short-Time Fourier Transform.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.
- Operation
- Import desired data into a worksheet.
- Select one Y column, abd click the icon in the Apps Gallery panel.
- In the pop up dialog, the selected Y column will be as the Input Signal.
- If there is X column for the selected Y column, you can use it to calculate the sampling interval, or you can specify sampling interval by yourself.
- Choose Number of Cycles by dragging the slider or put the number to the input box.
- Choose the Window to use.
- The Max Frequency and Number of Frequencies will be calculated automatically, also the needed number of operations and output matrix size.
- To preview the contour plot by the current settings, click the Preview button.
- Click OK button to create report.
- Dialog Settings
- Input Signal: Specify the input signal, with related X or not.
- Specify Sampling Interval: If checked, you can specify the sampling interval by yourself.
- Sampling Interval: If check Specify Sampling Interval, you can specify the sampling interval here.
- Number of Cycles: Choose the number of cycles.
- Window: Choose the window, options include Rectangle, Welch, Triangular, Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Gaussian, Kaiser and Parzen.
- Max Frequency: Show the maximum frequency.
- Number of Frequencies: Show the number of frequencies.
- Output Worksheet: Specify the output worksheet.
- Preview: Click this button to preview the contour plot.
- OK: Click this button to create report.
- Cancel: Close dialog without doing anything.
- References
- Carlos Mateo, Juan Antonio Talavera, Short-time Fourier transform with the window size fixed in the frequency domain. Digital Signal Processing, Volume 77, June 2018, Pages 13-21