- Purpose
This app lets you create and fit with a composite fitting function by combining multiple functions.
- Installation
Download the file "Fit with Composite Functions.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.
- Operation
Select a Y column or make a 2D graph with a data plot active.
Then click the app icon to bring up the dialog.
Specify how many component functions you need, and then choose the functions.
Adjust/fix parameters as needed and click the Fit button to perform the fitting.
Click OK button to create a report.
Dialog Settings:
- Input Data: Select the data for fitting.
- Function #: Choose the category and function for each component.
- Parameters: Table displaying parameter values.
- Message: Displays messages from fitting.
- Configure Report: Please refer to Configure Report.
- Reinit: Re-initialize the fitting parameters.
- 1 Iter.: Perform one iteration.
- Fit: Perform fitting until converged or the iteration condition is satisfied.
- OK: Perform the fitting like clicking Fit button, and then create report.
- Cancel: Close the dialog and do nothing.