File Exchange > Graphing >    Increment List Manager

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Manage increment lists and selectively apply them to any and all graphs in your project file. Customize lists and save them for future use.

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  • Purpose
    "Increment Lists" are ordered lists of variations of some plot property -- color, symbol shape, fill pattern, etc. -- that are used to differentiate plotted points within a dataplot, or between data plots within a plot group. For instance, a color increment list might start with black, then cycle through red, green, blue, cyan, etc. A symbol shape increment list might start with a square, then cycle through circle, up-triangle, down-triangle, diamond, etc. The purpose of this App is to help you manage your increment lists.
  • Installation
    Download the file "Increment List Manager.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An Increment List Manager icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.
  • Operation
    • This App can be opened whatever the active window type.
    • Customize Origin's built-in or your own custom increment lists and save them for future use.
    • Use the Preview window to see the effect of active lists --- no need to apply or close the dialog.
    • When the system increment lists are applied in the way that you want them, you can close the App dialog. Any graph template that allows system increment lists to override template settings (applies to most built-in templates) will be created using your customized increment list settings.
    • If, during customization of an increment list, you decide that you aren't happy with your changes, click to select the increment list then click Reset List to return to the system default.
    • Apply built-in or custom increment lists to the current graph, to all graphs in the active Project Explorer folder, to all graphs in the Project, etc.
    • Support for Undo.

Dialog Settings:


v1.3 4/25/2023 Updated to make it compatible with Origin 2023b.
v1.2: Fixed bug of not working in Origin 2021
v1.1: Fixed bug of wrong preview for Pattern Fill Color List

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