File Exchange > Graphing >    Theme Preview

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Preview and apply graph themes.

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This App lets you apply various themes to your graph to change colors, axes styles etc. The selection of applied themes can then be saved as a combined custom theme for future use.

Download the file "Theme Preview.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.


  • Make a graph active, and then click the app icon to bring up the dialog.
  • Select a category from the drop-down list on the right side panel. All available themes in that category will be displayed in the list below.
  • Click on a particular entry in the theme list. The preview will show the effect of that theme on your graph
  • Click Apply button to apply that theme to your original graph in the background. The theme is then also entered into the "Applied Theme" list.
  • Continue to apply other themes as desired. Then click Save button to save the selection of themes as a custom combined theme file.
  • The saved theme file can tben be accessed from the Custom entry in the top drop-down.

Dialog Settings:

  • Preview Panel:
    • < Button: Switch to the previous theme for the preview according to the theme list in Theme tab. If the current theme is the first one, then the last theme is used.
    • > Button: Switch to the next theme for the preview according to the theme list in Theme tab. If the current theme is the last one, then the first theme is used.
    • Preview Graph: Show the preview with the active graph by applied the selected theme in Theme tab.
  • Theme Tab:
    • Theme Category Dropdown: Select desired category. User-defined themes and themes saved from this App will be under the Custom entry.
      The list below the drop-down will show all themes in the selected category. When you mouse over any entry, the effect of that theme shows on the preview graph.
  • Apply Theme to Group: (For more details, please refer to The Apply Theme to Group.)
    • Dropdown: Specify what graph to be applied the selected theme. Options include Current Graph, Graphs in Folder, Graphs in Folder (Recursive), Graphs in Folder (Open), Graphs in Folder (Include Embedded), Graphs in Project, and Specified.
    • Apply Button: Apply the selected theme to the graphs chosen by the Dropdown.
    • Undo Apply Button: Undo the last applied theme.
    • Set as System Theme Button: Set the selected theme as system theme. The system theme will then be applied to any graph that you create from Origin's built-in templates.
    • Clear System Theme Button: Clear the system theme, then no theme is as system theme anymore.
    • More Button: This button shows if Dropdown is Specified. Then this button can open the Graph Browser for choosing the desired graphs. Or just type the graph name into the edit box separated by semicolon.
  • Applied Theme Group:
    • List Box: Show all the themes that have been applied.
    • Save Button: Save the applied themes as file for use next time.
    • Add to System Theme Button: Add the applied theme(s) to the system theme.


v1.56 11/14/2024 Added Quick Styles.
v1.43 8/24/2024 Added as built-in app.
v1.4 9/5/2023 Fix bug for runtime error
v1.3 4/25/2023 Updated to make it compatible with Origin 2023b.
v1.2: Fixed bug of failed to apply theme to specified graphs
v1.1: New button for adding selected themes to system theme

Reviews and Comments:



06/25/2019lsivery useful!

05/17/2019GOU Leyu 

05/17/2019GOU Leyu 
