File Exchange > Data Analysis >    Independent Component Analysis

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Separate mixed signals into sub-components.

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This app can be used to decompose observed mixed signals into sub-components which are assumed to be independent from each other. Input data can be either columns or matrices.
Three methods are supported:

  • FastICA
  • Information-Maximization (Infomax)
  • Joint Approximate Diagonalization of Eigenmatrices (JADE)


The app requires R software and package (ica).

  1. Install R or upgrade it before installing the App (Minimum required version 3.4.1.Please download R from here.).
  2. Download the ica.opx file, then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace.
  3. The App will start downloading dependent R packages automatically. Wait a few minutes until the download is completed.

        Note: If auto download fails, a pop-up dialog will ask you to copy 2 lines of commands from Results Log and run them in R to complete package download. 
                 If you reinstall or upgrade R after installing the app, it would not work properly. Please reinstall the app.


  1. Activate a worksheet or a matrix sheet with data.
  2. Click the icon in the Apps Gallery window to open the dialog.
  3. For a worksheet, select at least 2 columns as Mixed Data. Optionally select a column (e.g. Time/Frequancy) as Independent Data.
  4. In the Settings tab, select a method from FastICA, Info-max and JADE.
    • If FastICA is selected, choose a algorithm from Parallel/Deflation and a contrast function from Logcosh/ Exponential/ Kurtosis.
    • If Info-max is selected, choose a algorithm from Newton Iteration/Gradient Descent and a nonlinear function from Hyperbolic Tangent/ Logistic/ Extended Infomax.
  5. Enter a number into Number of Components to Extract. It should be at least 2 and no more than the number of input data.
  6. In the Quantities and Plots tab, choose which quantities and plots to output.
  7. Click OK button to create analysis reports.

Sample OPJU File

The App ships with a sample OPJU file. In the Apps Gallery, right-click on the app icon and select Show Samples Folder. From the window that opens,  drag and drop ICA Samples.opju  into Origin to open the project. The project includes two folders. Note: If saving the OPJU after changing it, it is best to save it to a different location than the one it was opened from (e.g. save to your User Files Folder).


v1.21:6/26/2024 Change package location
v1.2:5/27/2022 Fix loading library bug in R v4.2.
v1.1 Fix bugs with image matrix input.

Reviews and Comments:



09/01/2021OriginLabHi wangxiwen, are you using Origin version is Origin 2019 or newer version? If not, this app can not support it. Please upgrade your Origin version.
If you can more questions, please contact our support team. Please refer this page:
