File Exchange > Data Analysis >    Dynamic Time Warping

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Calculate dynamic time warping of two series of values.

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This app calculates the warping distance of 2 series.


Download the file Dynamic Time Warping.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.


  1. Activate a worksheet or a matrix sheet and click on the app icon
  2. Select the two series for input data.
    If the input data are two matrices, they must have the same number of columns.
  3. Set Window Size = 0 to get an exact path. To apply a window, set Window Size to a positive integer.
  4. Click on the OK button.


To align 2 sequences, you can use the correspondences as index to create the new ones as following.

Note: If you want to output cost matrix, you must call the X-Function by LabTalk and set maxsamp (window size) to 0 and cost to 1. e.g.

dtw -r 2 s1:=1 s2:=2 maxsamp:=0 cost:=1;



v1.1 6/2/2023 Updated DLL dependencies.

Reviews and Comments:
03/14/2024cavedirtI am also missing columns H, I, and J, which are meant to be the aligned data columns. What might I be doing wrong? Thanks,

11/16/2023AKazakDynamic Time Warping: Success!! in the Log
but columns H, I and J are missing

11/16/2023AKazakDynamic Time Warping: Success!! in the Log
but columns H, I and J are missing

11/16/2023AKazakDynamic Time Warping: Success!! in the Log
but columns H, I and J are missing

05/08/2023OriginLabHi jhgrabato,

If you put your 2 signal sequences in Column (A,B) and Column (C,D), this App will create 3 index columns: Column E, F and G. The aligned sequence is Column (H,I). They are calculated by interpolating the index column using the original sequence as reference.

OriginLab Technical Service

05/08/2023jhgrabatoHi! Could you please be more specific on how to align the data? What do you mean by index? Thank you!

03/14/2019weiduxpThis app can calculate the warping distance of 2 series

03/14/2019OriginLabHi Nico136, you can align the data using index: correspondence 1 for sequence 1, and correspondence 2 for sequence 2.

03/13/2019Nico136Hello, i dont unterstand how you use the resulting correspondence to really allign your data? Can you maybe help

03/13/2019Nico136Hello, i dont unterstand how you use the resulting correspondence to really allign your data? Can you maybe help