This app can be used to smooth 3D data from XYZ columns or a matrix.
Download the file, then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.
- Activate a worksheet with XYZ columns, or a matrix sheet with data.
- Click the icon in the Apps Gallery window to open the dialog.
- Select XYZ columns or matrix object as input.
- For XYZ data, the following smoothing methods are available:
- Adjacent-Averaging
- Adjacent-Median
- Negative Exponential
- Loess
- Bisquare
- Inverse Square
For matrix data, two additional methods are available: FFT Filter, Convolution.
Customize parameters for selected smoothing method.
Note: For XYZ data, choose Fixed as Bandwidth Method if data points are relatively evenly spaced. Choose Nearest Neighbors if they are unevenly distributed.
- If you want to change output result's grid, you can enable Grid Settings and define maximum, minimum or grid size for X and Y ranges.
- Click Preview to view smoothed surface and raw data.
- Move the Azimuth/Inclination/Roll sliders to rotate preview graph.
- Uncheck Plot Raw Data to remove raw data plot from preview graph.
- Click OK to output the smoothed data.