File Exchange > Graphing >    FFT Examiner

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FFT Examiner.opx
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Examine FFT spectra of signals.

Screen Shot and Video:


Simply download and then drag-and-drop the file onto Origin. A new icon will appear in the Apps bar. 

Data Selection:

  • To start from a worksheet, select up to 4 Y columns of data, and click the icon
  • To start from a graph, first plot desired data in a single layer. Then click the icon. Up to 4 data plots will be picked from the active layer.
  • The top layer in the App will display the selected data. The bottom layers will update based on how many datasets were selected.


NOTE: This App uses the fft1 X-function. For further information on the controls and the algorithm, please refer to the fft1 documentation page.

  • No. of ROIs: Select 1 or 2 ROI rectangles for the data plot layer. The bottom layer(s) will update based on number of data plots and number of ROIs.
  • Remove DC Offset: Checking this box will simply set the dc (zero frequency) component to zero, or missing value, depending on what output was chosen.
  • Zero Padding: Add zeroes to selected data sub range to extend data size. This helps to improve frequency resolution. Note that the frequency spectrum can have ripples unless a suitable window method is also chosen.
  • Select Output: Choose from one of the available quantities to compute and display including amplitude, magnitude, power, db and Normalized dB.
  • Window Method: Choose a suitable window method to be applied to the data.
  • Window Correction: Available when a window method is chosen.
  • Normalize Power to: Power Density normalization method. Available only when output is set as Power. 
  • Copy to Clipboard: Copy an EMF image of the graph to clipboard. You can then go to an application such as Word or PowerPoint to paste the image and then continue analyzing the data with the App.
  • Close Dialog: Close the dialog.
  • Keep Results: Check this box to keep the result worksheet and the graph. The ROI rectangles will be frozen once the dialog is closed.
  • Other controls: There are a few buttons in the graph layers for zoom and rescale. Also the bottom left corner has buttons to set X and Y axes in linear or log scale and to lock the axes range. Locking helps to set desired range and the layer will not auto scale as you move or resize the ROIs on the data.



v1.1: fixed bug of not working issue in OriginPro 2022

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