File Exchange > Import and Export >    PE to WE

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PE to WE.opx
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App opens or saves OGG(U), OGW(U), and OGM(U) files, while replicating the source folder structure.

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PE to WE (Project Explorer to Windows Explorer) is useful under two similar scenarios:

1. You have Origin window files (*.OGG(U), *.OGW(U), or *.OGM(U)) saved in a folder in the OS file system. You want to open them into an Origin project and create the same folder structure as in the file system. That is, Project Explorer will have the same folders as those in the file system and the opened Graphs, Workbooks, and/or Matrixbooks will be put into their respective folders.

2. Within Origin, you have a heirarchy of Project Explorer folders containing Graphs, Workbooks, and/or Matrixbooks. You want to save these windows as files (*.OGG(U), *.OGW(U), or *.OGM(U)) to a folder in the file system. As well, you want these files to be saved to subfolders that match those in Project Explorer.

Essentially, it replicates the folder structure from the file system when opening, or from the Project Explorer when saving.


1. Open the App from the Apps Gallery.

2. Select which types to open or save (Graph, Workbook, and/or Matrix).

3. If opening files from file system into Origin:

  • Optionally select to open files into a new Origin project. Default is to open them into the active folder of the current project.
  • Click Open into Project... and select the file system folder containing the (*.OGG(U), *.OGW(U), or *.OGM(U))  files.
  • The files will be opened into Project Explorer with the same folder structure.

4. If saving Origin windows to the file system:

  • Optionally select to save non-report embedded grapgs (graphs not auto-generated as part of a report sheet).
  • For Origin 2018 or later- Optionally select to save files to be compatible with earlier Origin versions (*.OGG, *.OGW, *.OGM). Default is to save files in Unicode format (OGGU, OGWU, OGMU).
  • Click Save from Project... and select the file system folder to save the (*.OGG(U), *.OGW(U), or *.OGM(U))  files to.
  • The files will be saved to the file system with the same folder structure as in Project Explorer.



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