This app can be used to create Andrews Plot.
Download the file, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.
NOTE: This tool requires OriginPro.
- Missing values will be ignored during the process.
- Mode option:
- Original ----
- Andrews, 1972 ----
- Gnanadesikan, 1997 ----
- Kulkarni & Paranjape, 1984 ----
- Ravindra, 2002 ----
- Standardize option:
- N(0,1) ---- Scales each input variable to have zero mean and one standard deviation before performing the transform.
- PCA ---- Transform on the principal component scores of input variables.
- PCAStd ---- Transform on the standardized principal component scores of input variables.
- Quantiles Only check box: Export only the median and the alpha and (1-alpha) quantiles at each time value. If a group column is chosen, it will calculate for each group level.
- Reverse Variable Order check box: Since the order of input variables matters during the calculation, this option lets you reverse the order.