Download the Import PLEXON's PLX.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto Origin workspace.
An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.
- Click the Import PLEXON's PLX icon to launch the dialog.
- Choose the PLX file to be imported.
- A dialog will open, showing a list of available variables with checkboxes.
By default all variables will be imported.
- Click OK button to load selected variable(s) into Origin.
You can use LabTalk script to import data from a PLX file, by calling functions written in Origin C.
- Load Origin C prior to opening any PLX file:
run.LoadOC(%@AImport PLEXON's PLX\OPLX.cpp, 16);
- Open a PLX file, an integer ID representing the file will be returned:
int nID = PLXopen(_plx_file_full_path_);
- Get the name(s) of available variables:
string timestamps$ = PLX_Timestamps(nID);
string continuous$ = PLX_Continuous(nID);
string waveforms$ = PLX_Waveforms(nID);
- Select variable(s) to import:
StringArray saTimestamps = {SPK01, SPK02};
StringArray saContinuous = {WB01, WB02};
StringArray saWaveforms = {SPK01, SPK02};
- Import the selected variable(s) into an existing worksheet, say,
PLX_GetTimestamps(nID, [Book1]Sheet1, saTimestamps);
PLX_GetContinuous(nID, [Book1]Sheet1, saContinuous);
PLX_GetWaveforms(nID, [Book1]Sheet1, saWaveforms);
- To import markers into the existing worksheet, say,
PLX_GetMarkers(nID, [Book1]Sheet1);
- The loading process should always end by closing the file: