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Sequential Fit.opx
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Perform fitting on all datasets in a worksheet sequentially.

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This app can be used to fit a large number of datasets from a worksheet sequentially, and create a simple report table of parameter values and fit statistics.

Features include:

  • Fit all XY (YErr) datasets in the active worksheet
  • Select a built-in or user-defined function
  • Set maximum number of iterations, tolerance, and constraints on parameters
  • Three choices for parameter initialization:
    • Initialize each dataset independently
    • Use fit values from previous dataset as initial parameter values for next dataset
    • Use custom (user-specified) initial parameter values for all datasets
  • Output parameter values, standard errors, dependencies etc and also output fit statistics including fit status
  • Output the fitted curve, and allow go through each dataset by the navigation buttons on the fitted curve graph
  • Use metadata elements such as long name or comments as dataset identifier in the output sheet

Download the file Sequential Fit.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.


  1. Import desired data into a worksheet. Make sure that column designations are set correctly (such as XYY..., XYXY.... XYYer... etc)
  2. With worksheet active, click the icon in the Apps Gallery window.
  3. In the pop up dialog, the active worksheet is set as Input Data automatically.
  4. Select the fitting function, and optionally set the maximum number of iterations, tolerance and constraints.
  5. Select desired method for parameter initialization.
  6. Optionally enter custom initial values, fix status, and lower/upper bounds for parameters in pop-up dialog accessible
    by clicking the Init Parameters button located next to the OK button.
  7. Choose the parameter values and statistics you want to output.
  8. Click OK button to perform the sequential fitting. 
  9. For large number of datasets, a progress bar will be displayed, including information on what percentage of datasets were successfully fitted.
    You can quit the fit process in the middle. Results up to that dataset will still be available in the output sheet.


v2.0 4/25/2023 Updated to make it compatible with Origin 2023b.
v1.9: Fixed bug not work in 2022
v1.8: Fixed Pro issue
v1.7: Fixed bug of blank Fitted Y
v1.6: Localization
v1.5: Allow sorting the result worksheet by the fitted result values
v1.4: Fixed wrong info for output worksheet, fitted curve data not update issue
v1.3: Ignore hidden columns. Support parameter initialization from header rows. initialization
v1.2: Add fitted curve support
v1.1: Fixed bug related to parameter initialization

Reviews and Comments:

To output derived parameters, please try Speedy Fit App:

OriginLab Technical Service

01/24/2023vtstm50r418It is very useful.
Though the "derived parameters" (calculated after fitting) are out of the report sheet.


03/17/2021leosdoin the next versions, i recommend the following upgrades: (1) base line subtraction, (2) multiple peak fitting, (3) selection of the x-axis data

11/07/2018FU JUN 

10/12/2018luocaiwei1212just for test
it is a useful tools



