File Exchange > Data Analysis >    Image Stack Profile

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Image Stac...02.opx
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Import a stack of images and generate horizontal and vertical profiles

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This app provides the following features for analyzing a stack of images:

  • Import a stack of images into an Origin matrix window, or start with a matrix containing multiple data objects
  • When importing, the images are automatically converted to data
  • Interactively examine the vertical and horizontal profiles
  • Flip forward or backward to view how the profile data changes across the stack
  • Export the profile data for one particular image, or for ALL images in the stack



Download the file Image Stack Profile.opx. Then drag-and-drop the file onto the Origin workspace. An app icon will appear in the Apps Gallery panel.



  1.  Click the App icon to open the toolbar.
  2.  Click the first button on the toolbar to import a list of image files.
  3.  Click the second button to launch the profiler from an activate matrix window.
  4.  Use Previous/Next Slide button to change image.
  5.  Drag anchor lines to update the profile position.
  6.  Click Export Current/All to extract profile data.


v1.01 Label position disorder fix when data range is smaller then expected.
v1.02 Some bug fixes

Reviews and Comments:
12/01/2022etjensenApp works good. It would be great if a future version had the same options as the "Image/Contour Profile" tab that appears when doing single image analysis (Using Origin 2021b). It would be useful to have in the stack the ability to adjust the vertical or horizontal line width to multiple pixels and have it applied to the stack. To the best of my knowledge the stack app can only plot one pixel wide in the horizontal or vertical direction. Adding this feature would vastly speed up some image data processing and would be very useful

12/28/2021OriginLabHi GYZSSS,
This App is for a stack of images. If you are not sure what is "Image Profiles", you can refer to our following help pages:

12/27/2021GYZSSSWhat does the picture in the middle of the picture mean, how to import, this software is suitable for that kind of analysis

12/27/2021GYZSSSCan you tell me how to use it?

12/27/2021GYZSSSCan you tell me how to use it?

02/25/2021wneffThe red line is way below - zoom out, scroll down, there it is.

07/24/2020OriginLabHi 5s5,

We have submitted a JIRA for this problem and will fix it ASAP.

07/24/20205s5can't find the red horizontal line

08/08/2018KlockworxThis is very useful for large data-sets.